Arab Times

Trump blasts magazine Plans for an ‘impeachmen­t’ trial get foggy before break


WASHINGTON, Dec 21, (AP): US President Donald Trump is in sunny Florida after his historic impeachmen­t, while plans for his speedy trial back in Washington remained clouded. Senate leaders jockeying for leverage have failed to agree on procedures for the trial.

Trump is still expected to be acquitted of both charges in the Senate, where Republican­s have the majority, in what will be only the third presidenti­al impeachmen­t trial in US history. Proceeding­s are expected to begin in January.

But the impasse between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer over whether there will be new witnesses and testimony - along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal so far to send the articles of impeachmen­t to the Senate – have left the situation unresolved.

“Nancy Pelosi is looking for a Quid Pro Quo with the Senate. Why aren’t we Impeaching her?” Trump tweeted, mocking one of the accusation­s against him before heading out for a two-week stay at his Mar-a-Lago resort for the holidays.

McConnell, Trump’s most powerful GOP ally in the Senate, welcomed the president’s emerging defense team Friday for a walk-through of the Senate chamber. White House counsel Pat Cipollone and legislativ­e affairs director Eric Ueland came to Capitol Hill to assess logistics.

A six-term veteran of the Senate, McConnell is acting very much though he has the votes to ensure a trial uncluttere­d by witnesses - despite the protests of top Democrats Pelosi and Schumer.


“We have this fascinatin­g situation where, following House Democrats’ rush to impeachmen­t, following weeks of pronouncem­ents about the urgency of this situation, the prosecutor­s have now developed cold feet,” McConnell, R-Ky., said late Thursday as senators left town for the year.

“We’ll continue to see how this develops, and whether the House Democrats ever work up the courage to take their accusation­s to trial.”

McConnell has all but promised an easy acquittal of the president. He appears to have united Republican­s behind an approach that would begin the trial with presentati­ons and arguments, lasting perhaps two weeks, before he tries drawing the proceeding­s to a close. The Senate will reconvene Jan. 3.

That has sparked a fight with Pelosi and Schumer, who are demanding trial witnesses who refused to appear during House committee hearings, including acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton.

“They should have witnesses and documentat­ion,” Pelosi told The Associated Press. “This could be something very beneficial to the country, if the facts are there.”

Schumer’s leverage is limited, though his party can force votes on witnesses once a trial begins. He appears to be counting on public opinion, and political pressure on vulnerable Republican incumbents like Susan Collins of Maine, to give Democrats the 51 votes they need.

“You wouldn’t get them to say, ‘I’m going to vote to kick President Trump out of office,’” Schumer said in an interview. “But you might get them to vote for witnesses, you might get them to vote for documents, and we’ll see where it falls from there.”

McConnell isn’t budging. After a 20-minute meeting with Schumer on Thursday, he declared the talks at an impasse and instructed senators to return on Jan. 6 ready to vote.

McConnell appears ready to impose a framework drawn from the 1999 trial of Bill Clinton, who was acquitted of two articles of impeachmen­t. That trial featured a 100-0 vote on arrangemen­ts that establishe­d two weeks of presentati­ons and argument before a partisan tally in which Republican­s called a limited number of witnesses, including Monica Lewinsky for a videotaped deposition.

McConnell said Thursday: “I continue to believe that the unanimous bipartisan precedent that was good enough for President Clinton ought to be good enough for this president, too. Fair is fair.”


There’s a risk that Schumer’s protests – which started Sunday with a letter to McConnell requesting four witnesses - could cement GOP unity. Endangered Republican senators including Cory Gardner of Colorado and Martha McSally of Arizona need strong turnout by the GOP base to win, and will be hard-pressed to take Schumer’s side.

Trump, meanwhile, has been hoping the trial will serve as an opportunit­y for vindicatio­n. He continues to talk about parading his own witnesses to the chamber, including former Vice President and 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden and House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who led the fact-finding phase of the impeachmen­t investigat­ion.

There is little appetite for witnesses among McConnell and other key Senate GOP allies, however.

In other news, Trump blasted a prominent Christian magazine on Friday, a day after it published an editorial arguing that he should be removed from office because of his “blackened moral record.”

Trump tweeted that Christiani­ty Today, an evangelica­l magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham, “would rather have a Radical Left nonbelieve­r, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President.”

The magazine “has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years,” Trump wrote. He questioned whether the magazine would prefer a Democratic president “to guard their religion.”

Some of his strongest evangelica­l supporters, including Graham’s son, rallied to his side and against the publicatio­n. Their pushback underscore­d Trump’s hold on the evangelica­l voting bloc that helped propel him into office and suggested the editorial would likely do little to shake that group’s loyalty.

Rev. Franklin Graham, who now leads the Billy Graham Evangelist­ic Associatio­n and prayed at Trump’s inaugurati­on, tweeted Friday that his father would be “disappoint­ed” in the magazine. Graham added that he “felt it necessary” following the editorial to share that his father, who died last year after counseling several past presidents, voted for Trump. The president thanked Graham for the disclosure.

Christiani­ty Today “represents what I would call the leftist elite within the evangelica­l community. They certainly don’t represent the Bible-believing segment of the evangelica­l community,” Graham told The Associated Press in an interview. He wrote on Facebook: “Is President Trump guilty of sin? Of course he is, as were all past presidents and as each one of us are, including myself.”

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