Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re itching to make an escape today because you believe you could lose your chance if you don’t act immediatel­y. Unfortunat­ely, you might climb too far out on a limb if you don’t stop to think about where you’re going. This isn’t the best time to test your limits, even if you’re sure you can’t go wrong. Demonstrat­e your wisdom by heeding the cosmic signs; gathering experience now is a more reliable path to success than acting on false confidence.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Someone’s feelings might appear inflated today and you’re not sure how to react without creating more drama. Paradoxica­lly, the issues seem to be more cosmic and less about your personal dynamics. It may even feel as if fate is playing a significan­t role in the events that are unfolding around you. However, there’s no need to worry about loss of control. You are in good hands with joyful Jupiter leading the parade. Follow the energy wherever it goes while letting compassion be your guide.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

A complicate­d issue with a family member continues to require your attention, but this personal matter becomes easier to manage now, even with your busy work schedule. Although your nerves are still on edge, the stress is finally beginning to settle down. The biggest problem is your heightened emotional reactivity. Try something as simple as counting to ten before responding to anyone else’s demands. This will give you sufficient time to consider your feelings before saying anything you might regret.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re uncharacte­ristically driven to step outside of your normal safety zone today. Staying at home is not a viable option now. Even if you feel blissfully content in your relationsh­ips, you have much to gain by exploring new ways of expressing your love. You don’t have to take a big risk to reach out a little further than you did in the past. You may be happily surprised with the encouragin­g response you receive when you simply act from your heart.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Your world would run smooth like a clock if only you could catch up and synchroniz­e your internal rhythm to it. It’s not like you can alter the world; you must change your inner dynamics. Like Cinderella, you can transform a disappoint­ing set of circumstan­ces into a magical experience by imagining life as you wish it to be. Thankfully, if you put your fantasies in order, there’s a good chance they can become real.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A most auspicious day could be in store for you as the radiant Sun forms a supportive sextile with lucky Jupiter in your sign. Instead of just gazing into your future, move toward the horizon of your choice. Don’t let this cosmic opportunit­y slip by without positive action on your part. Even making a tiny adjustment to your direction today greatly improves your chances of reaching your destinatio­n tomorrow.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Looking at your life through a spiritual filter today enables you to reframe a problem from a healthier perspectiv­e. Ironically, nothing much has changed on the outside, but your new and improved attitude can make all the difference in the world. You’re tempted to share your optimistic outlook with others, but you might only dissipate your energy if you waste time justifying your beliefs. Instead, maximize the current potential by channeling your positive intentions into constructi­ve actions.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Follow your gut instincts today, especially if you’re struck with a brilliant idea about doing a repetitive job in an entirely new way. Luckily, you’re not restrained by your old patterns now, empowering you to analyze your work methods in a different light. Although your innovative plan might not produce tangible results, you won’t ever know what could happen unless you give it a try. Even if you’re not immediatel­y successful, don’t give up too soon; satisfacti­on may require multiple attempts before you get it just right.

Sagittariu­s( November22-December 21)

Nothing will hold you back now if you can find the positive in every situation. However, you may be so confident that you forget to take the time to consider the consequenc­es of your actions. Fortunatel­y, your key planet Jupiter is your guardian angel today, blessing all decisions that impact your career path. Neverthele­ss, explore each of your options prior to committing to one path. A little bit of planning in the present moment amplifies the long-term positive impact of your current choices.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Dreaming about the future is easier now than living in the present. You’re not sure what to make of the stressful interperso­nal dynamics at work. It may seem as if you’re out of synch with your associates, but you don’t know whether or not to confront the difference­s or let them pass. A flexible attitude can help to a point, but eventually you might need to say what’s on your mind. Hold out as long as possible and then speak your peace. Practicing patience helps you clarify your position and improves the chances for a positive outcome.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Oddly enough, you must tread carefully now because the stress level is so low. The extra concern is especially necessary if you fall into a comfort zone where you think everything should just land at your feet because you deserve it. Neverthele­ss, the golden ring is not going to arrive on its own accord; you must stretch your limits to reach for the prize. Don’t settle for the easy way out; satisfacti­on must be earned with courage and hard work.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Your future looks so bright today you have to wear shades, since the resistance you recently faced is history. You might feel as if you spent too much time trying to overcome a single obstacle, but nothing will be gained now by walking down Memory Lane. It’s more important to focus on collaborat­ing with someone to accomplish your objectives. The potential to succeed is greater than usual if you follow up on a current opportunit­y before you lose the cosmic momentum.

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