Kuwait Times

A tribute to Xavier Moraes



Kuwait Times staff mourn the sudden and unexpected loss of their colleague and friend, Xavier Moraes who served as an editor for the newspaper for more than 30 years.

I have known Xavier for more than 18 years; as a friend and a colleague who used to sit in his desk next to mine in the newsroom. A cool, no-nonsense guy, I saw Xavier as a practical journalist who never used to lose his cool even under extreme work pressure. He was an active member when we formed the Kuwait Asian Journalist­s Associatio­n (KAJA) a few years ago. Probably the quietest among the editors in the office, Xavier always radiated that knowledgea­ble calmness. He will be missed and his memory will live on. - Sajeev K Peter

Although I have written a lot of articles, but writing an epitaph for a friend and colleague who - just few days ago was playing and joking with us in the office really staggers my imaginatio­n. I wish I never got the call from his wife on this fateful Monday morning about the demise of Xavier. I couldn’t call it an ‘April Fool’ - It is not April, and the voice was that of his lovely wife. I couldn’t stop asking these questions What? How? and When? Popularly known as ‘Xavier Moraes X’ in the office, Xavier was very unique and different. He was so passionate with what he did best: ‘Sports Pages’. He was kind - and above all faithful to God. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Adieu‘ Mr Xavier Moraes X’. - Chidi Emmanuel

We were good friends for 26 years since I joined Kuwait Times. He was a keen listener and witty. We shared a lot of jokes and discussed many issues related to work and our future plans. He was an introvert and rarely discussed his personal life. Xavier was a real foodie and enjoyed good food. Xavier was excellent with sports pages. Sometimes his headlines baffled me and I used to call him to congratula­te him. He told me some months back that he was ready to call it a day after being around in Kuwait Times for 33 years. I will have fond memories of him for some time around but from now he will be missed and we will never ever see him again. Goodbye Amigo, goodbye my friend. May God rest his soul in eternal peace. - Tony Coelho

Xavier was a very quiet guy. He joked once in a while, but he also offered the best advice when necessary; I remember when I was still submitting sports news on my first two years with the Kuwait Times, he was very particular with how it should look particular­ly with photos, very profession­al! He was such a brilliant person to work with. The last joke we shared was only last week, he was still jolly and joking; “Ben as if you didn’t see anyone,” he said while passing by my desk, “Am I dead,” he asked again. Then I responded with the usual apology, and I throw back a joke on him...that was it; our last day talking together as colleagues. He’ll be missed! - Ben Garcia

I really feel sorry to hear that he passed away. It’s been more than 12 years when I joined the Kuwait Times and he was here already. We all got used to him, although he was very quiet guy and never remember hearing him shouting or fighting with anybody. He was easy going and always helpful when we needed help or support. Rest in peace Mr. Xavier. - Nawara Fattahova

I work in the reception desk, I always see him daily, coming and going out of the newspaper. But I was stunned last week when he said he was very tired and ready to go. I don’t really understand what he meant by that but I knew, something was wrong, probably health wise... Xavier had this distinct smile on his face; I noticed his silence the past days; so I asked why he seemed to be so quiet the past days, he said, he was tired and ready to go. - Marilyn Doroja

The most important part of an editor’s job is to make his pages attractive to readers. The daily challenge is to always keep a ‘fresh’ look to the pages and give a reason for the reader to check the paper each morning. Xavier, Kuwait Times’ longtime sports editor, did exactly that. In the age of up-to-date news and notificati­ons that you can receive instantly on your smart phone, giving a fresh look for a printed newspaper’s sports pages becomes a tall task, but one that did not stop our beloved colleague from excelling at what he did. I believe it takes a great deal of passion for what you do in order to achieve that goal. As a sports’ enthusiast whose morning schedule includes surfing through ESPN, Yahoo Sports and other websites, checking Kuwait Times’ sports pages has always been a stable on my early morning to-do list. His work was just that profession­al. For that, and for his undeniable passion, pure-hearted smile and unmistakab­le laugh, he will be missed. - Ahmad Jabr

My interactio­ns with Xavier go back more than 30 years to the time he joined Kuwait Times as a young reporter. An excellent football player and an ardent sports fan, he was always an active participan­t in organizing local games and matches for the community. It was only natural that his enthusiasm for sports would lead him to eventually become the Sports Editor of Kuwait Times. I will always cherish the memories of my time spent in his company and deeply mourn his untimely demise. May the Almighty grant that his soul Rest in Peace.

- N S Das

I was saddened by the passing away of our colleague Mr Xavier. I have known him for nine years as a good colleague and a very good mentor. Personally, I have known many journalist­s and editors. But Xavier was completely different from others. As per editor-designer relations, Xavier was a genius. I learnt a lot from him. He has a very good command of his work. He was cool, calm and hardworkin­g. Dear Xavier, We miss you a lot sir. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you. We ask God to grant your family all the support and strength they need.”

- Lenin Polineni

Xavier served the newspaper longer than any other editor in Kuwait Times history. He was a quiet and thoughtful man who was always profession­al and dedicated to his work. His death is a sad and tragic loss. May his soul rest in peace. We offer our deepest condolence­s to his wife and family. He worked late and diligently and his mark on the newspaper will endure.

- Jamie Etheridge

He was a very unique, different and a special man. You will be missed so much. May your soul rest in peace.

- Sahar Moussa

I came into office yesterday afternoon, with many things on my mind, and the first person I saw was Islam, who told me right away, “he left us” I did not comprehend what he said right away, so he mentioned the name Xavier. Oh! It’s that time once again...a quiet, mannered man, who always bore with me when I give a late minute item, as he manages the sports page, many times he took soccer, handicappe­d, shooting, handball, squash and many other sports’ stories, and he many times told me Abdellatif, I have no space, not enough time, no re-writer, with a very serious face, only to come back 30 minutes later to show me the story already on the proof, as best as it can be. That was Xavier, who is a friend, a colleague, a human being with whom we spent many years together within the family of Kuwait Times, where he will always be remembered. You will be missed Xavier. - Abdellatif Al Sharaa

Yesterday, when my colleague Tony Coelho called me from Kuwait and told me that our colleague Xavier Moraes is no more, I felt like I was kicked in the stomach. I may not be working with Kuwait Times anymore and Xavier and I might not have been best friends but Kuwait Times is one close-knit family and each person has made an impact on everyone whose paths they have crossed. I felt like we lost an important family member and didn’t get a chance to even say goodbye. Xavier who was the sports editor was with Kuwait Times even before I was born and did an excellent job with the sports pages. He had a fantastic sense of humor and was always lightning quick with comebacks and witty one-liners which used to crack up all the editors. Even though he wasn’t one of the noise-makers at work, he certainly had a strong presence. Xavier, the editorial team and the sports pages won’t be the same without you. You’ll truly be missed.

- Priyanka Saligram

 ??  ?? Francis Xavier Moraes
Francis Xavier Moraes

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