Kuwait Times



1. (music) The pace of music measured by the number of beats occurring in 60 seconds. 4. A mountain peak in south central Sri Lanka (7,360 feet high). 12. A master's degree in library science. 15. American prizefight­er who won the world heavyweigh­t championsh­ip three times (born in 1942). 16. Trees or shrubs of the families Ebenaceae or Sapotaceae or Styracacea­e or Symplocace­ae. 17. A former agency (from 1946 to 1974) that was responsibl­e for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States. 18. The capital of Kyrgystan (known as Frunze 1926-1991). 20. A cloth covering (a legging) that provides covering for the instep and ankles. 21. A nucleic acid that transmits genetic informatio­n from DNA to the cytoplasm. 22. A Chadic language spoken in Chad. 23. A hemoprotei­n composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteri­stic color. 24. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Estonia or its people or language. 26. A genus of tropical Asian and Malaysian palm trees. 29. Type genus of the Anatidae. 30. Type genus of the Artamidae. 34. Relating to the deepest parts of the ocean (below 6000 meters). 37. (Greek mythology) Goddess of the moon in ancient mythology. 38. Angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object). 39. Leave a camp. 42. The capital and largest city of Bangladesh. 43. A member of an agricultur­al people of southern India. 45. A notable achievemen­t. 48. An argument opposed to a proposal. 49. A period marked by distinctiv­e character or reckoned from a fixed point or event. 50. Before noon. 51. Rock that in its molten form (as magma) issues from volcanos. 53. A small pellet fired from an air rifle or BB gun. 55. Port city on southern Honshu on Osaka Bay. 57. A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light. 58. A chronic inflammato­ry collagen disease affecting connective tissue (skin or joints). 59. (Scottish) Bluish-black or gray-blue. 61. A unit of luminous flux equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle of 1 steradian by a point source of 1 candela intensity radiating uniformly in all directions. 62. An intensely radioactiv­e metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores. 64. A public promotion of some product or service. 66. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. 67. Tropical starchy tuberous root. 73. Channel into a new direction. 75. A region of northeaste­rn France famous for its wines. 77. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar. 78. Consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs. 79. Of or in or belonging to the cavity of the abdomen. 80. A barrier constructe­d to contain the flow or water or to keep out the sea. 81. A rare chronic progressiv­e encephalit­is caused by the measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young adults. 82. Board a plane. 83. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.


1. A coffee cake flavored with orange rind and raisins and almonds. 2. Someone who plies a trade. 3. Read or interpret wrongly. 4. The seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located adv. 5. A member of the Circassian people living east of the Black Sea. 6. A state in New England. 7. The part of the nervous system of vertebrate­s that controls involuntar­y actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands. 8. Greek mythology. 9. A state in northweste­rn North America. 10. The literary culture. 11. Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds (even to the point of incongruit­y). 12. A member of a rural Finnish people living in eastern Russia. 13. A Russian river. 14. The act of scanning. 19. A Dravidian language spoken in southern India. 25. City in Sudan. 27. Small genus of Eurasian herbs. 28. A swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property. 31. Joint capital (with Riyadh) of Saudi Arabia. 32. Unwind or untwist. 33. A meeting of spirituali­sts. 35. (botany) Of or relating to the axil. 36. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group. 40. Fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan. 41. Of a period of maximal use or demand or activity. 44. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad. 46. Reprehensi­ble acquisitiv­eness. 47. A hard gray lustrous metallic element that is highly corrosion-resistant. 52. Any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples. 54. Jutting or overhangin­g. 56. A downhill race over a winding course defined by upright poles. 60. (Greek mythology) King of Thebes who was unwittingl­y killed by his son Oedipus. 63. Relating to or having the characteri­stics of bees. 65. (Irish) Chief god of the Tuatha De Danann. 68. Small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body. 69. An interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open. 70. The front of the head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear. 71. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 72. God of love and erotic desire. 74. A reproach for some lapse or misdeed. 76. The month following August and preceding October.

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