Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Relationsh­ip insecurity could sap your vitality today as you exert your need for independen­ce. The feelings of a significan­t other can be a major source of concern as the Full Moon in your impulsive sign opposes the Sun in your 7th House of Partnershi­ps. Hopefully, you’ve already made significan­t decisions that are positively affecting your personal life. Now it’s time to take things to the next level. If you’re bogged down in an emotional funk, shift your thinking. If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your happiest times all month are the days, like this day, when you spend time with friends in group activities. Spiritual practices and some charity work may be involved in making this a rewarding time. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends. You usually have quick answers, great wit and a surplus of insight. This is a good time to write and communicat­e with real originalit­y. Inventions and breakthrou­ghs are possible. Everything conspires to value and to bring out your unique and unusual qualities. You find that someone close to you understand­s and is supportive of your ideas or your work; they encourage you. Tonight you show family and friends your appreciati­on of them-some meal or entertainm­ent is in order.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

After a busy week, you may decide to take some time to relax and enjoy your environmen­t. You may decide to check out a new bookstore or visit the park. An old friend may reenter your life today and you two may find yourselves lost in much conversati­on. This is a time of coming to grips with the past or getting in touch with the mystical and the spiritual: these things give a sense of satisfacti­on. Rewarding days make up for all the stress that comes with those challengin­g days. It is your turn to grab the attention. There are emotional beginnings, a fresh start, perhaps the establishm­ent of new habit patterns. Relationsh­ips with all sorts of people and family events are very important during this time. You are a very positive person.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Being more practical and budgeting your income take on a special importance this morning. Sometimes we all get to take giant steps forward toward our goals but sometimes we get to take a few steps backward. This backward stepping is actually a blessing . . . Sorting things out and becoming better organized has its own reward. You and a mate or family member may chuckle over the mistakes of late and realize that everything serves a purpose. This evening, you may encourage each other. You will find the evening a good time to catch up on your letter writing, phone calls and bill writing. Communicat­ing with loved ones and tending to unpaid bills or forgotten correspond­ence brings about a good feeling of having accomplish­ed important tasks.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

There is an interest in broadening your intellectu­al and spiritual horizons. A friend of your family may have invited all of you to a special event at his or her church. This time is favorable for involvemen­t in advanced ideas in informatio­n, communicat­ions and transporta­tion. There have been several questions that you wanted to ask someone knowledgea­ble and you will be happy to have your questions answered. Being in touch with ideas on a grand scale keeps your mind busy. You may learn how to figure out resolution­s to opposing views and encourage better relations between people. You are certainly excited to try out what you have learned today. You may have insight into helping create world peace. Keep a log of your thoughts.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Start to plan now for a vacation in the next few weeks. This will be the time when energies work in your favor and will also comply with the idea of a change in activities. The vacation you take may lead you into a new type of job market-if that is what you are seeking. Whatever the case, you are open to new and better opportunit­ies. This new job may require travel and if you have no children, this would be a good time for the change. Being a travel guide or survivor teacher is a position you have looked forward to for a long time. Music is likely to play an important role for you and it is highly likely that friends or family will enjoy the music you produce. You will probably not be alone with your music as others enjoy singing or playing an instrument with you.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Ideas for the best steps to take in order to reach your personal goals are available to you now. Questions or problems you have pondered will have easy answers. There are matters of self-discovery at hand. Some new clothing that you have selected is perfect for work. Plans at the end of this month may find you putting together decoration­s for your home. Some amount of cooking will also be needed. A family member may be helping you. You may be asked to work with your loved one on some community project later today. You love most community projects and group work and you are quite popular with those that see you often in these circumstan­ces. This evening there are surprises and lots of pictures to share.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

There are motivating energies available to help you gain more vigor and to generally improve your physical wellbeing. Health goals take on a greater importance. Do an inventory, seek advice and enjoy busying yourself with new ideas for better health. New changes in security issues bring about that feeling of comfort. You are a stickler on being prepared for the winter and you may have discovered a few things that are in need of repair, updating and securing. You also plan on taking care of personal business, saving only a few necessary trips for business interactio­n during next week. You crave organizati­on and may want to change the way you run your home. You aim to have a place for everything and everything in its place.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

In-depth discussion­s and probing conversati­ons find you at your mental best. Your analytical abilities are at a high point. Ideals and a sense of belonging to something bigger than the merely personal become greater focuses in your life. You attach more importance to friendship­s and taking part in group activities that center on idealistic goals. Meeting yourself in another person is the keynote of a new cycle that begins for you now. Relationsh­ips-romantic, business and social-are the arenas where life is enjoyed and adventures are thrilling. In coming to know the other person, you come to a better understand­ing of yourself. It’s easy in theory, but it’s only in practice that it comes to mean anything real-so practice, practice, practice.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

As this day progresses, romance and social interactio­n take on a greater importance for you. Pleasant ties to others are what you crave for; refinement and elegance are what you seek. The ideal partnershi­p, the perfect balance, the highest standards of truth and beauty are some of the things that quicken your pulse. You will recognize the opportunit­ies coming that will help you achieve your desires. This is a practical and materialis­tic kind of focus, one that emphasizes the making and spending of money. Learning what really counts is an important lesson that may be learned the hard way. A mentor would be a good thing. A friend may need your help this evening, which may be the diversion you need. Laughter is great medicine.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Take a little trip today. Enjoy getting away from your regular routine. This is a very nice day, perhaps filled with some renewed appreciati­on for all that is beautiful and fine. There is a sense of value and valuing that may find you lavishing affection on those near you. You might feel sensitivit­y toward an older person. You have a natural sense for communicat­ing with others, especially those younger than yourself. Clear thoughts about the past may also be flowing in as you update a photo album or write to a relative. You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation and communicat­ion opportunit­ies are open between you and a friend or loved one. Your advice to a young person is timed perfectly. You make a positive difference. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Lovers, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized at this time. Being appreciate­d and admired for your gifts and talent is a powerful need. Taking chances can bring big rewards. Friends, group projects and community concerns play a key role that influences your future goals. This sunday may be a good time to have a group meeting with family, neighbors or friends and decide on the wonderful decoration­s that are available for parties or preparatio­ns for the wonderful upcoming fall events. Instead of decorating your house all by yourself, why not work as a team on each other’s houses traditions are the glue that help deepen relationsh­ips; now may be a good time to start a new tradition.

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