Kuwait Times



1. A vehicle carrying many passengers. 4. Type genus of the Plataleida­e. 12. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 15. A successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball). 16. Of or relating to Albania or its people or language or culture. 17. An angular shape characteri­zed by sharp turns in alternatin­g directions. 18. How long something has existed. 19. A peninsula in southweste­rn Europe. 20. Lower in esteem. 22. A Russian prison camp for political prisoners. 24. Young sheep. 25. Food mixtures either arranged on a plate or tossed and served with a moist dressing. 26. An edilbe seaweed with a mild flavor. 27. Scottish insurgent who led the resistance to Edward I. 29. Indigo bush. 30. A small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold. 33. Arborescen­t cacti having very spiny cylindrica­l stem segments. 37. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar. 39. The local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England. 40. An opening into or through something. 41. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad. 45. A lyric poem with complex stanza forms. 46. Any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all. 50. Presence of abnormally large amounts of uric acid in the urine. 53. Beyond what is natural. 54. An associate degree in nursing. 55. A colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling. 56. Wild sheep of northern Africa. 58. Informal terms for money. 60. English theoretica­l physicist who applied relativity theory to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of antimatter and the positron (1902-1984). 63. Conducive to peace. 64. (computer science) A system of worldwide electronic communicat­ion in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that is generated at the recipient's terminal when he logs in. 67. A legal document codifying the result of deliberati­ons of a committee or society or legislativ­e body. 70. Feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and being unable to roar. 71. Submit or yield to another's wish or opinion. 74. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 75. A cut of pork ribs with much of the meat trimmed off. 77. A plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots. 78. 100 fen equal 1 yuan. 79. Low stingless nettle of Central and South America having velvety brownishgr­een toothed leaves and clusters of small green flowers. 80. A pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes.


1. God of wealth and love. 2. A member of a Turkic people of Chinese Turkestan and neighborin­g areas (formerly of Mongolia and eastern Turkestan). 3. An ancient upright stone slab bearing markings. 4. United States baseball player. 5. A three-year law degree. 6. Norwegian mathematic­ian (18021829). 7. National capital of Kiribati. 8. Taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals. 9. At risk of or subject to experienci­ng something usually unpleasant. 10. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. 11. Squash bugs. 12. Any of numerous ornamental shrubs grown for their showy flowers of various colors. 13. An independen­t agency of the United States government responsibl­e for aviation and spacefligh­t. 14. Advanced in years. 21. An indehiscen­t fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp. 23. A leisurely walk (usually in some public place). 28. The act of slowing down or falling behind. 31. Of or relating to fungi. 32. A colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis. 34. A blind god. 35. Evergreen trees and shrubs having oily one-seeded fruits. 36. The sixth month of the civil year. 38. Colloquial British abbreviati­on. 42. The capital of Western Samoa. 43. A man who is the lover of a girl or young woman. 44. (Greek mythology) A maiden seduced by Zeus. 47. Italian violin maker and grandson of Andrea Guarneri (1687?-1745). 48. Having come or been brought to a conclusion. 49. (Norse mythology) Trickster. 51. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Thailand of its people. 52. Release from a clasp. 57. An ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignt­y. 59. Any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia. 61. An iconic mental representa­tion. 62. A switch made from the stems of the rattan palms. 65. The act of scanning. 66. A three-tone Chadic language. 68. A pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminar­y maceration of food. 69. An official language of the Republic of South Africa. 72. An accountant certified by the state. 73. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 76. Being nine more than ninety.

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