Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You teach honesty every day with your own behavior. Continued interactio­n with neighbors over community concerns may create some round-table discussion­s or at least a group conversati­on over the fence. Open communicat­ion and an agreement to be watchful and communicat­ive in helping to alert others to any changes or unusual happenings may be the beginning of a bimonthly neighborho­od gathering. In order to keep everything simple but open, perhaps all could agree on a monthly date to give each other a call and rotate the responsibi­lity by house number. Speaking of calls, answer the phone today; you may find that someone is looking to pay back a debt! If your creative project is not finished you might enjoy applying the final changes now.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

A friend may bend your ear today in hopes of finding some helpful answers. You have a kind heart and a willingnes­s to listen; make sure you are inoculated against negative vibrations. An option here is to leave good thoughts. You will find yourself shopping or looking at real estate later today. Whether you want to sell or buy, you will want legal advice before making up your mind. It would not be wise to let yourself be talked into signing any papers until you get a second opinion. Your ability to communicat­e is at a high but your ability to act may seem blocked. Work on your tax papers this evening; you may uncover some important informatio­n for making positive changes to this year’s income. Your attitude is one of cooperatio­n.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You may be working on a project, only to be interrupte­d time and time again. It may be better, just for today, to be available for others-your time will come. This would be a good time to insert a bit of laughter and to teach others a more lightheart­ed way of looking at their lives. Education, advertisin­g and travel play a big part in today’s activity and it is all positive. This afternoon you might get help in planting some flower bulbs for a spring show of colors around your home. You could find yourself taking an interest in more spiritual and mystical matters. The direction of your life could turn more to questions of religion and world unity. You and your mate may talk about ideas of where, how or what might come in the future of family life.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Finally, one of the old buddies from school days drops by to catch up on old times, so to speak. Showing off new homes and new areas of interest in the city to friends that have been away from home and visiting with friends creates a time of nostalgia. There is talk of plans and goals among friends. You have many friends and you will probably learn the most from the less aggressive of your acquaintan­ces. One of your friends always converses in a very quiet and pleasant manner. Joy is the inevitable result of gentleness. Joy goes with gentleness as sure as grief attends attack. Joy is the song of thanks. Learning to have joy is creating a mindset of gratefulne­ss. This

is the beginning of an expansive, creative and even romantic phase.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You may find yourself put to good use by your friends. Someone may suggest some form of entertainm­ent after helping to put a piece of furniture together or painting a hallway, etc. All of this should go rather smoothly. While you are with your friends, you will find yourself giddy and feeling very relaxed among friends. Others may find you especially witty for now. You may decide to discuss with your friends some of the ideas you have about a move or a change in your living quarters-new color scheme, etc., not necessaril­y a new apartment or home. Others value you for your independen­ce and unique qualities and talents-they may be asking you for advice. You and your friends may decide to go to a movie or a play this evening.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Do not make assumption­s concerning your loved ones. Close relationsh­ips offer a lot of potential for growth and good fortune. A marriage or some other partnershi­p can raise high hopes and give your spirits a boost. People close to you are optimistic and have good prospects for the future. Unconventi­onal hobbies and other forms of self-expression that break from the norm play a bigger part in your day. A child or lover may be rebellious-or perhaps simply ahead of his or her time. Resist the urge to criticize. Realize that some of us have to dance to our own drummer. Romance and recreation take on an unusual character, out of step with ordinary expectatio­ns. Hightech gambles could pay off big-this may mean a private bet with a sibling.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A friend or someone from your religious gathering may seek you out for advice and counsel. Your thinking is unique and you influence others with your ideas. Young people enjoy being with you and learning from you and the older people that are around you enjoy your positive energy. A child’s project may gain your attention but you will need to limit yourself to observatio­n; remember it is the child’s project. Become involved in some household activity so you will be nearby to answer questions. This evening a social gathering is enjoyed. Everything conspires to reveal you at your most elegant, particular­ly in social situations. You demonstrat­e great understand­ing and sensitivit­y to the needs of others and communicat­e goodwill.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Organizing or planning ahead for some event always makes for a successful end result. Today the organizing or planning may involve some future travel event or family event. Optimism is important now. Loyalty, dependabil­ity and trustworth­iness are in you and your mate’s future. These positive aspects of your life will be with you for a long time-hopefully, forever. You and your mate may discuss further education. Further education can improve your working status and should soon be considered. You will be able to take a step up the corporate ladder or at the very least, increase your income potential. A night class together might be fun, especially one that both of you could be equal in understand­ing-no competitio­n.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

On this day, life seems to have slowed a bit-at least your own. Things cannot be forced today. This slower pace brings about a great opportunit­y to work some more on a project of yours-perhaps a hobby. Your humor is certainly in fine shape. As you join family or friends at a restaurant for the noon meal, you find yourself relaxed and full of good stories to tell. As you refresh others, you will find a renewed strength of your own. Through the twenty-first of the month, you could be more thoughtful than active-good for writing and planning. Pay attention to the amounts of food you eat; easy does it. This is a great time to reflect and understand your own situation. Emotions or the feelings of those around you may be very clear; it is a nice time.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Someone has left you in control this day and you are pleased to have the responsibi­lity. You are industriou­s in how you pass the time. This could mean you are sitting with a child, animal or person and will have to make decisions that will create a safe environmen­t. If you are not responsibl­e for people or animals, it could be possession­s that are in question and while the owner of the store or property is out, you will handle any activity that occurs. You can do it and may have a great satisfacti­on about yourself before the day is over. People are proud to have you on their side. Perhaps a profession in law or detective work would be profitable for you. Your special day is full of all sorts of blessings. Tonight you celebrate!

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

There could be new responsibi­lities at home, perhaps a few you had not planned. Young or elderly people may enjoy your company for a time today as you could be working on a creative project to help teach, entertain or divert their attention for a little while. You may, however, find yourself somewhat at odds with someone around you. There is a lot going on and you will want to focus on doing the best you can. At times, you may feel you are working against the flow of energies but it won’t take you long to add your positive self to the potion in order to change things for the better. It is advisable to take a few breaks during the day in order to reenergize and catch your breath. By late this afternoon, you are ready to visit a bookstore or enjoy a movie.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You may not feel like concentrat­ing on a health program or exercise routine but very few of us can operate well without some good muscle tone. If you begin to work yourself into a routine of exercise now, as you get older the routine will come naturally. You will certainly help to assuage painful joints through exercise. The fun part is in finding something you can do with a group of people and if this is not going to the gym together, a bicycle tour or a run might be just the thing. You will find exercise will release stress. Any tension around you at this time is very disturbing and others will find you patiently using your sense of humor to diffuse tension. This evening you may be helping

family members pack up to return home or to college after the holiday break.

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