Kuwait Times

Olivia Newton John is 'grateful' for having cancer


The 68-year-old singer was diagnosed with breast cancer over two decades ago and whilst it was a tough time for her, she admits it "taught her [about] compassion". She told Radio Times magazine: "I am grateful for the experience because without it I would not have done many of the things I have done in my life. It's taught me compassion for those going through difficult times." Meanwhile, the 'Grease' star previously admitted she never felt better after having a mastectomy. Speaking about her feelings towards the procedure, she shared: "I felt complete and utter dread. One night, shortly after it had been confirmed that I needed a mastectomy, I couldn't sleep. I went downstairs, sat in the dark and felt the fear washing over me. I was convinced that the cancer had spread at top speed and was in every part of my body. "For a few weeks my world was in turmoil, but then I calmed down and started to fight back mentally. Deep down, there was always a tiny nugget of hope inside me that said, ' You'll be OK. You'll make it,' and that little voice kept me going." And Olivia feels having a positive attitude has helped her get her health back on track. Speaking in 2009, she added: "After I had my treatment, I had counseling, which helped me to think about the importance of my feelings. Having cancer forced me to think deeply about myself for the first time, so it was a positive experience in that respect. I learned not to feel guilty about my successful music career ... "I also realized you had to eat well, exercise and be happy. It sounds obvious today, but I fully credit that attitude with my good health ... Today, I still eat well, using organic food where possible. I have been a vegetarian, but I'll now have grilled chicken or fish. I believe in treating yourself, so I drink the odd glass of wine and I like chocolate. I play tennis three times a week and I get out into the fresh air every day."

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