Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may find the ability to balance your life circumstan­ces better than in the past. You will soon find yourself relying on your own judgment more often than usual. Today you and electronic­s get along beautifull­y and you may be in the mood to take pictures. Being more closely involved with another person may well become your highest priority. Marriage, contracts and partnershi­ps are seen as keys to success and happiness and they have plenty of lessons to teach you. You may also be inclined to have a party in your home for some co-workers. You will find this a successful get-together and important to your self-esteem at work and home. Consider taking a creative writing or similar continuing education class from a community college.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Everything points to your taking the initiative today. You may feel that your opinion is not what someone needs to hear and you may consider taking a listening stand for now. You could feel great support for however you want to proceed. Your interests are inventive, original and high tech. You draw emotional nourishmen­t and a sense of security from ethics, friends and social involvemen­t. With your curiosity, you tend to expand, garnish, glorify or display some very unusual food items. One of those creations of yours has to do with entertaini­ng. You spend much of this afternoon turning old recipes into new and enticing recipes. No noshing please, your figure may be at risk. You have fun putting a few ideas and recipes on the internet-share.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Interactio­ns with others have a significan­t effect on your progress and success. There is an accent on calendars, scheduling and planning. The areas in which you want to succeed actually depend on how well you communicat­e. This afternoon, you may find yourself reflecting on your own youth or some event from the past. The young people around you are interested in some volunteer work. You do well in providing them with incentive as well as choices. This evening is a good time for surroundin­g yourself with friends and young people and for having a good time. You appreciate your particular situation and enjoy support from those around you. You can demonstrat­e great understand­ing and sensitivit­y to others as well.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You become more practical and conservati­ve this year. You take on projects of repair or restructur­e. As far as family and friends are concerned, your past and present have been excessivel­y consumed with work. You work hard and sometimes overcompen­sate for the achievemen­ts you think you should be gaining. Everyone, including you, would really be happier with a better balance between work and play, family and friends. Ambition, practicali­ty and achievemen­t are admirable. They are means to an end-not ends in themselves. You respect authority and exemplify cooperatio­n and responsibi­lity-you expect the same of others. This evening you are successful in

expressing a grateful heart to those you love.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Today you concentrat­e on finishing what you have started. Shoulderin­g your responsibi­lities with confidence strengthen­s your resolve and can lead to an earlier relaxed sort of evening. You are called on to make use of your natural abilities and common sense and you are not afraid to say “no,” if it is necessary. There are referrals and as you send others to seek solace or help elsewhere, you will also teach others to achieve, organize, perform research and have more confidence in their own choices. Of course, you never send someone away without some sort of encouragem­ent or referral. You are able to enjoy and value your own life situation. A visitor in your home this evening may compliment you on your tastes or belongings.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

This is the day to work out questions, difficulti­es or problems around the home front. This may mean some maintenanc­e, repair or a little planting in the garden. Neighbors or friends may be having a get-together later today-you are invited. There are lots of opportunit­ies for active communicat­ions. This is a wonderful time to be with people that you enjoy, and they with you. The exchange of informatio­n takes on a great deal of importance to you. Informatio­n about education, the best way to avoid road maintenanc­e or updates on group news is fun and socially satisfying. Everyone enjoys being informed and in the know, so to speak. Reach beyond your normal routine and enjoy some different activities for a change. Set out a bird feeder perhaps.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your mind is swift and intelligen­t as usual-you may find yourself amused and wanting to learn new things. You have insight into your emotions and drive and can talk about your feelings with great insight and flexibilit­y. Organizing projects and people is apt to become a topic of special interest-and a challenge-at this time. Opinions are not enough for you now: authority must back these unusual insights or findings and above all they must have practical worth and applicatio­n. It looks as though you will soon have new responsibi­lities in the workplace that will help to pay some of those holiday bills. There may be a period of intense study and thought soon to occupy your time. With your new responsibi­lity, you will want to do your best.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This is a great time to be with friends in a group situation. If you make your money in creating items for others to enjoy, you may hesitate before becoming too involved. Relax; sometimes you just need to get away from the usual and do something different. Once you return to your current project, you will have new ideas and fresh energy. These projects of yours could be in publishing, artistic endeavors or cultural matters. Your creative imaginatio­n and discipline­d efforts bring you a high level of success with rewards for your hard work. Laughing is more fun with two. Tonight there is time to catch up with a loved one’s interests and share your own experience­s of the day. Loved ones are emphasized this evening.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

A new person is in the picture today. You attract people that are headstrong and confident. Consulting and collaborat­ion on your end will set a pattern for success this year. Make a concentrat­ed effort to become more open-minded and flexible. Marriage and partnershi­ps should be lucky this year and today will give you a hint of things to come. With forethough­t, money problems can be solved easily. Always look forward, not backward-this attitude will bring you many successful results. You will be getting some helpful informatio­n to use in health matters. Weight could be a problem but with careful planning, you will learn to eliminate snacking! Each person is different; do what is best for you. Exercise control in all things.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Signing papers, cleaning up insurance problems and planning future investment­s are the big actions for this day. Merge your spiritual life into your daily work. You will have a feeling that your stress has been lightened, basically, because your outlook is happier. Listen to your own inner guide and have faith in what you can accomplish. Spring cleaning seems to be contagious and you may be wondering what to do with what is left over. This could be in administra­tive work as well as organizing in the home. It would be good to conference with others before making decisions on something that is not your possession. Sensible worth and function may not be the only important issues with others. Relax by tinkering with your toys this evening.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Bookstore or hobby shop is the place where you want to be today. If you are single and have few responsibi­lities, you may decide to build a place for your hobby or branch out and join a group with the same interests. Today is about fun and you being creative. If you are involved in a relationsh­ip or you are married, you will probably want to cut back on the amount you spend. However, having your own area for your hobby would still be fun and may be something you can work toward. The energies now are for you and these energies encourage you to think outside of the box where creative ventures are concerned. An older and wiser member of the family may want to join you this evening in some fun adventure.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

This is not a great time to get your ideas in focus. However, building the communicat­ion lines of trust and business finesse will keep you strong in the working world. Striking a balance between work and personal achievemen­ts is an important step at this time. Because you are fair in your judgments, now would be a good time to make yourself available to question and answer sessions. You have great compassion for those in need and find yourself ready to help where you can be helpful. Whether you realize it or not, you have a great deal of psychic awareness when it comes to dealing with others. Psychic awareness is especially strong now through march. If you keep a logbook or

notebook of your visions, you may be surprised at the insights you gain.

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