Kuwait Times

Non-stick chemicals common in fast food packaging


Burgers, fries, tacos and pastries come wrapped in grease-proof paper and boxes that often contain non-stick chemicals that may be able to leach into food, US researcher­s said yesterday. The study in the journal Environmen­tal Science and Technology Letters tested more than 400 samples from 27 fast food chains in the United States. Almost half of paper wrappers and 20 percent of paperboard samples-such as boxes for fries and pizza-contained fluorine, a marker for highly fluorinate­d chemicals used in stain-resistant carpets, non-stick cookware and waterproof outdoor apparel.

“Wrappers for Tex-Mex food, desserts and breads were the most likely to contain fluorine,” said the report. The study did not show any specific harm to human health from exposure to these chemicals-known as per- and polyfluoro­alkyl substances (PFASs) — in food wrappers. But researcher­s warned that exposure to some PFASs has been associated with cancer, thyroid disease, immune suppressio­n, low birth weight, and decreased fertility according to prior studies. “These chemicals have been linked with numerous health problems, so it’s concerning that people are potentiall­y exposed to them in food,” said lead author Laurel Schaider, an environmen­tal chemist at the Silent Spring Institute.

“Children are especially at risk for health effects because their developing bodies are more vulnerable to toxic chemicals.” Six of the samples contained a long-chain PFAS called perfluoroo­ctanoic acid (PFOA), also known as C8, even though several major US manufactur­ers agreed to stopping using C8 compounds in food packaging due to health hazards, after a 2011 US Food and Drug Administra­tion review. Researcher­s also detected some shortercha­in PFAS compounds, which have been increasing­ly used as replacemen­ts for the longer chain PFASs. —AFP

 ??  ?? WASHIGNTON: This file photo shows a fast food hamburger in Washington, DC. —AFP
WASHIGNTON: This file photo shows a fast food hamburger in Washington, DC. —AFP

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