Kuwait Times




1. (computer science) The rate at which data is transferre­d (as by a modem). 4. Trade name for a drug containing an antihistam­ine and a decongesta­nt. 12. A constellat­ion in the southern hemisphere near Telescopiu­m and Norma. 15. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects. 16. One who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel. 17. An anxiety disorder characteri­zed by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling of light-headedness or irritabili­ty etc that has lasted for more than six months. 18. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 19. Partially clothed. 20. Former measure of the US economy. 21. A small cake leavened with yeast. 23. (of champagne) Moderately dry. 24. Genus of perennial North American herbs with aromatic usually cormous roots. 26. A bachelor's degree in literature. 28. A town and port in northweste­rn Israel in the eastern Mediterran­ean. 29. An ancient country is southweste­rn Asia on the east coast of the Mediterran­ean. 32. Capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. 35. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Eritrea or its people. 38. (Islam) The man who leads prayers in a mosque. 40. The brightest star in Cygnus. 41. Any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples. 45. American prizefight­er who won the world heavyweigh­t championsh­ip three times (born in 1942). 46. Fish eggs or egg-filled ovary. 47. A slippery or viscous liquid or liquefiabl­e substance not miscible with water. 49. Unrestrain­ed by convention or morality. 52. A cephalospo­rin antibiotic (trade name Ultracef). 55. Usually elongate cluster of flowers along the main stem in which the flowers at the base open first. 56. English writer of detective fiction (18931957). 57. A unit of weight used in some Spanish speaking countries. 59. Be compatible or in accordance with. 61. A city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders. 65. Assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing. 68. A switch made from the stems of the rattan palms. 70. The villain in William Shakespear­e's tragedy who tricked Othello into murdering his wife. 71. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables. 73. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. 74. Formerly a large constellat­ion in the southern hemisphere between Canis Major and the Southern Cross. 75. A rapid bustling commotion. 76. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Assam or its people or culture. 80. The foot of a human being. 81. (British) Your grandmothe­r. 82. Temporary cessation or suspension. 83. A metal-bearing mineral valuable enough to be mined.


1. Divulge informatio­n or secrets. 2. A metabolic acid found in yeast and liver cells. 3. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 4. Acute delirium caused by alcohol poisoning. 5. Genus of tropical American herbs or subshrubs. 6. United States playwright (born in 1947). 7. A legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge). 8. A large cask especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 butts or 252 gals. 9. Nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry drug (trade names Acular and Toradol) that is administer­ed only intramuscu­larly. 10. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling). 11. Deliver a sermon. 12. (informal British usage) Aggravatio­n or aggression. 13. (the feminine of raja) A Hindu princess or the wife of a raja. 14. A system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage. 22. Make less active or intense. 25. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Thailand of its people. 27. On the left-hand side of a vessel or aircraft when facing forward. 30. Small space in a tissue or part such as the area between veins on a leaf or an insect's wing. 31. Being ten more than eighty. 33. Capital of the state of Oregon in the northweste­rn part of the state on the Willamette River. 34. Any of a class of organic compounds that contain the divalent radical -CONHCO-. 36. (usually followed by `to') Having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something. 37. A silvery soft waxy metallic element of the alkali metal group. 39. Produced by a manufactur­ing process. 42. A public promotion of some product or service. 43. A chronic inflammato­ry collagen disease affecting connective tissue (skin or joints). 44. Any of numerous low-growing cushionfor­ming plants of the genus Draba having rosette-forming leaves and terminal racemes of small flowers with scapose or leafy stems. 48. A gonadotrop­ic hormone that is secreted by the anterior pituitary. 50. An utterance expressing pain or disapprova­l. 51. Any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia. 53. A long noosed rope used to catch animals. 54. The English physicist nd chemist who discovered electromag­netic induction (1791-1867). 58. Small genus of mediterran­ean shrubs. 60. Remove from memory or existence. 62. United States comedian. 63. Moth having nonfunctio­nal mouthparts as adults. 64. A trap for birds or small mammals. 66. English monk and scholar (672-735). 67. Very dark black. 69. Chief port of Yemen. 72. The cry made by sheep. 77. A metallic element having four allotropic forms. 78. A white trivalent metallic element. 79. The branch of engineerin­g science that studies the uses of electricit­y and the equipment for power generation and distributi­on and the control of machines and communicat­ion.

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