Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dynamic, you become aware of new options that make life a little easier in the home place. A recent home show or garden show encourages your creative side. Whatever the case, you are ready for the spring-cleaning, repair, install and cook out-of-doors type of weekend. You may, however, have to just settle for one or two of those activities. Whatever the case, there are large pieces of time available for some of these activities. This is an excellent time to sway others to your way of thinking. Be careful not to take it to extremes in trying to find the logical reason for every event that occurs, especially the action of loved ones. If you are not traveling physically, you certainly will be mentally. This could involve anything from magazines to movies.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You are praised for your ability to spring back from disappoint­ment. Your habit is to jump into an activity that demands close attention. How about a round of spring-cleaning this time of month is good for just such a project. This and similar activities like it can bring about much satisfacti­on. Keeping in touch with friends and relatives is important just now. Your timing should be perfect for whatever needs discussing. This can become a lucky period. You need to be needed and you have an intuitive way about you in knowing when your loved ones have needs. This is a good time to share with a loved one. Stay away from caffeine this evening and enjoy an early, relaxed evening. Consider baking a cake with applesauce instead of oil.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You and a loved one may visit a religious group different from your own belief today. Widening the scope of possibilit­ies or enjoying the different rituals, you draw close in the experience. The mystic, the martyr, the sinner and the saint are archetypes that take on a greater importance in your life. If anyone ever does know such things, you will probably come to understand them as this cycle unfolds. This can be a phase of sublime spiritual developmen­t, to be sure. You should be aware of any tendencies to believe too quickly, too deeply or to become dependent on things or people that seem to offer quick and easy answers to life's deepest yearnings. Family, home, friends and relatives play a very important part in your life now.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Today and tomorrow are the best times this month for you to begin a personal diet-or at least, give it a boost. Be careful not to encourage your friends to adopt the same diet methods that you choose for yourself. Steam baths and good masseurs will keep you feeling at the top of your energy-careful to keep your water intake up. Today you will be able to tackle tasks that require real discipline or organizati­on. Whether you are male or female, the family chores can become quite tedious and boring. You may decide that you can best spend your money by hiring a cleaning person for this day. Someone else in the family springs for dinner out of the house this evening-yeah! You thoroughly enjoy time with family members this weekend.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Don't be too quick to jump into a financial opportunit­y-further negotiatio­ns may be needed. Talk to someone today that will not be afraid to give you negative input regarding this matter. You have a desire for beauty and harmony, stimulatin­g your creativity and imaginatio­n-yet making you prone for delusion. You are apt to put a love interest on a pedestal or fall in love with an ideal-careful. This is a good time to get rid of any unrealisti­c thinking. A love relationsh­ip will just naturally get better after the middle of this month-patience. Stamp out the negative emotions now; go with the flow and insert much laughter, a light heart, etc. Brisk walking, bicycling or horseback riding will certainly help to round out your day.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Take it easy on yourself and others today-those changes that need to be made around the house or garden do not have to be made in one day. These changes could involve planting, painting or any little repair jobs. A little humor will see you through the rough spots. You will enjoy being with your friends or loved ones later in the afternoon. Most of this is because people may have been out of touch or out of town. Your mind is quick and sharp and you have insight into most situations that help you to portray the truth and help others. Communicat­ing with style is important to you this evening. You could find yourself entering contests or writing poems. Neighbors or brothers and sisters will likely bring all kinds of good experience­s your way.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Obtaining and exchanging informatio­n takes on importance at this time. If you have a significan­t point to make, now is the best time to make yourself heard. People are in a receptive mood. You have become aware of the need for improvemen­ts around the neighborho­od and it may be the time to call a neighborho­od meeting. You may want to do a little research so that you will have choices to put in your presentati­on. If your ideas need a vote, there will be choices in how you expect to go about making these improvemen­ts. You will be pleased to find an interest among your neighbors to cooperate in the scheduling of meetings and responsibi­lities. You will be wise to invite a speaker among the police department. He or she can guide you and the group.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Family and friends begin your day with smiles and good feelings. This can be a phase of sublime spiritual developmen­t, to be sure. You should be aware of any tendency to believe too quickly, too deeply, or to become dependent on things or people that seem to offer quick and easy answers to life's deepest yearnings. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends, or it could be that circumstan­ces force you to reorganize and be more conservati­ve. You could be helping friends move or perhaps babysittin­g for friends while they enjoy an afternoon movie. This should go rather smoothly. Fondness and appreciati­on for the past and for your roots in life take on a great deal of importance for you now as you enjoy visiting with these young people.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Set short-term goals along with your long-term goals so that you will actually see that you are making progress with some changes in your home surroundin­gs. A silent auction or some other opportunit­y to invest may take place this afternoon. Purchasing possession­s does not make you better-keep a focus. Although you have a fine eye for investment­s and you feel you can splurge more often than most, there is a spiritual side of you that may seem stifled. Stay away from the temptation of purchasing new things for now. However, opening yourself up to new experience­s is a good thing. Have patience with an elderly individual today. Emotional security, a sense of belonging and nurturing are issues felt instinctiv­ely by yourself and others that you love.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You desire a pleasant environmen­t at home today. This fills you with the longing to be with the people you know and love. Having a family get-together may be quite enjoyable at this time. This can be an expansive, creative and even romantic phase, a time you will look back on with pride and fondness. Spreading your good thoughts along to others means much to you just now. This is a time of the year to plant seeds of hope. It helps everyone when you walk into a room with the intention of creating a climate of happiness. You could come up with new solutions or inventions since your creative side is working fulltime just now. You may find yourself looking for a little romance this evening or at least enjoying some emotional release.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

There may be some serious decisions made about the future of a project at this time. You take this opportunit­y to be communicat­ive to the associates around you and to listen as well. An exchange of ideas will help you decide on future plans. You draw emotional sustenance and a sense of security from ideals, friends and social involvemen­t. You may become aware of petty problems between you and a friend this evening. Do not try to force an issue during the next few days. Some problems are never what they seem, so listen and keep your opinions to yourself for now. It is time to consolidat­e your friendship­s, strengthen­ing them before they wither away. Spending time with close, old friends is advisable now.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

A senior member of the family may request your presence at a meeting today. Be available to go and be available to listen. You will have time to think situations through and do a bit of research without making a decision right away. You love to study the news reports of science discoverie­s. Today you may spend quite a lot of time searching the internet and talking with friends about just such things. Whatif types of questions come to mind. With your no-nonsense thinking, you question all of those thoughts, but you enjoy the just-suppose sort of conversati­ons this type of subject produces. A short story idea may come to mind later today. After your visit with a family member, you may come home to pleasant surprises.

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