Kuwait Times

Israel alarmed by Trump intel leak, plays it down


Israel sought yesterday to contain the fallout from Donald Trump’s sharing of its intelligen­ce with Russia after the move cast a further shadow over the US president’s visit to the country next week. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump spoke by phone on Tuesday afternoon, a spokesman for the premier’s office said, while stressing that they only discussed next week’s trip during the 20-minute conversati­on.

But as the news emerged that Israel was the initial source of the intelligen­ce provided to Russia, other Israeli officials spoke of their commitment to continuing security cooperatio­n between their country and Washington. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said security ties would continue to be “unpreceden­ted” in scope. But he made no mention of Trump divulging intelligen­ce to Russia that a US administra­tion official said had originally come from Israel.

“The security relationsh­ip between Israel & our greatest ally the United States, is deep, significan­t & unpreceden­ted in volume,” Lieberman wrote on his Twitter account. The relationsh­ip “is unpreceden­ted in its contributi­on to our strength. This is how it has been & how it will continue to be,” he added. Intelligen­ce Minister Yisrael Katz said he had “complete confidence in the American intelligen­ce community”. Netanyahu’s office had not responded to requests for comment on the intelligen­ce sharing.

The United States is Israel’s most important ally, providing it with more than $3 billion in defense aid each year. The story grabbed the front pages of every major Israeli newspaper, with the exception of the pro-Netanyahu freesheet Israel Hayom. The Washington Post reported late Monday that Trump revealed what it said was highly classified informatio­n on the Islamic State group during a meeting last week with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Moscow’s Washington ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

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