Kuwait Times

Bee industry buzzing: Stolen hives recovered in California

New Hampshire lost an average 65% of beehives


The bee industry is buzzing over the arrest of a man accused of stealing thousands of hives worth nearly $1 million from California’s almond orchards in one of the biggest such thefts on record. The case has thrown a spotlight on a business many city slickers probably never knew existed: Beekeepers in the US move their colonies around the country by truck and rent them out to farmers to pollinate their flowering crops.

In California, which relies on bees brought in from such places as Missouri, Montana and North Dakota to produce more almonds than any other place in the world, hives began to vanish overnight across several counties three years ago. The break in the case came in late April, when a tip led authoritie­s to a ramshackle “chop shop” of stolen beehives on a corner lot outside Fresno. They arrested 51-year-old Pavel Tveretinov, a beekeeper-turned-criminal from suburban Sacramento, on suspicion of possessing stolen property, investigat­ors said.

“Bees are big money,” Sgt. Arley Terrence of the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office agricultur­e crimes unit said Tuesday. “There’s a lot of motive to steal.” The unexplaine­d mass die-offs of bees in recent years and booming demand for almonds have helped drive up the value of hives. Almonds have increased in popularity amid a marketing push urging health-conscious Americans to eat them in energy bars, crunch on them raw, sprinkle slivers on their salads or pour almond milk on their cereal.

Almond growers rent hives for a few weeks when their trees blossom, allowing the bees to pollinate the flowers as they fly from tree to tree. The blossoms then turn into nuts. Investigat­ors say Tveretinov, the prime suspect in the thefts, went to work at night, removing the hives when the bees are dormant. One of the biggest single thefts came in January, when more than 700 hives vanished from two orchards north of Sacramento. They were recovered in Fresno, more than 200 miles to the south. In total, Tveretinov is responsibl­e for stealing 2,500 hives and equipment worth $875,000, investigat­ors say.

He was released on $10,000 bail after his arrest April 28. A telephone number for him could not be found. It was not clear whether he had an attorney who could comment on the charges. The tip came from a beekeeper who needed a place to store his hives and came across the lot used by Tveretinov. There, the beekeeper recognized hive boxes belonging to a friend of his in Missouri who had fallen victim to theft, said sheriff’s Detective Andres Solis. Beekeepers customize their boxes to make them unique, imprinting identifica­tion numbers and painting them different colors with their logos.

Investigat­ors showed up at the lot and found Tveretinov at work amid a field of mismatched hive boxes. “It’s like a chop shop for beehives,” Solis said. “They’re scattered all over the place.” Investigat­ors asked California beekeeper and almond farmer Ryan Cosyns to help sort through the case. He said it was obvious that Tveretinov had sloppily painted over the boxes with his own brand and used a grinder to remove identifica­tion numbers.

“The average person isn’t going to be able to look at a box and realize it was stolen,” Cosyns said. “Or they’re renting at a price where nobody is asking any questions.” Beekeeper Yelena Storojenko of Colusa County, who has now recovered some damaged hives filled with dying bees, estimated her family’s business lost $200,000 in rental income, equipment and queen bees, which are necessary for breeding. Each hive is rented out for $175. “We didn’t get everything back,” Storojenko said. “The beehives are in horrible condition.”

65% of beehives

Meanwhile, a first-time survey by the New Hampshire Beekeepers Associatio­n shows the state lost an average of 65 percent of its beehives this winter. The survey covered Oct 1, 2016, through March 31; data collected from 261 sites in 130 towns shows the number of hives dropped from 1,004 to 350, the Concord Monitor reports. Merrimack County reported the highest loss. Beehive loss nationwide has been ongoing for years, a particular concern since bees are important pollinator­s of food crops and natural ecosystems. A national survey found that beekeepers lost more than 40 percent of their honeybee colonies between April 2014 and April 2015. — Agencies

 ??  ?? CALIFORNIA: Several of the thousands of recovered beehives stolen in California are shown in these photos. The bee industry is buzzing over the arrest of a man accused stealing nearly $1 million in hives from California’s almond orchards in one of the...
CALIFORNIA: Several of the thousands of recovered beehives stolen in California are shown in these photos. The bee industry is buzzing over the arrest of a man accused stealing nearly $1 million in hives from California’s almond orchards in one of the...

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