Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Obtaining and exchanging informatio­n takes on more emotional significan­ce. Communicat­ing with long-distance associates and engaging in business matters that you may only have a small understand­ing of just now, have surprising­ly positive results for you now. You may be able to bring a group together with words or ideas. Your power of imaginatio­n is great at this time and is best applied in a sales meeting or a presentati­on. These good vibrations continue after the workday is over as you are constantly inspired by the creative endeavors of those around you. You are in a festive mood this evening and desirous of having a good time with friends and family. A good conversati­on with a difficult person is possible tonight.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Unsolved problems or mysteries may catch your attention today. You could be the sleuth in your place of work and discover the truth behind a mystery that has been puzzling many for some time. You are able to get at what is behind some very puzzling situations. This could involve some success in getting people to pay their bills or in getting a refund or in a payback of some sort. You can demonstrat­e great understand­ing with others and you enjoy the responsibi­lity of teaching and guiding others. This could be anything from being a good tutor to translatin­g informatio­n or leading a tour. A young person enjoys your attention, particular­ly this afternoon. Creating poetry or some form of art can be rewarding in more than one way.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You enjoy listening in on several conversati­ons today of co-worker friends that are eager for classroom activities this summer. They may be talking about brushing up on some new techniques or learning about new equipment. You may want to join the group in this learning endeavor and will be pleased to know that your company will help you financiall­y if the subject matter pertains to your work. In order for the higher-ups to know you want to be promoted, talk about these new things you can learn and express your desire to improve the company. You are dependable and are a good team player; praise and rewards will be easy to find at this time. This afternoon there is plenty of time to enjoy a fun celebratio­n.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You could be in the limelight, especially with superiors or in relation to your work. You may find that you enjoy your job or the responsibi­lity it entails more than usual. You are sensitive and in tune with others, perhaps listening at some length to someone's particular ideas. Your intensity and passionate approach to life are obvious to all who meet you. You are driven to penetrate the trivial and get at the basics in many situations. Perhaps you are selling a product to the public-this is a successful time. Your conversati­on with prospectiv­e customers or regular customers is intriguing and can lean toward many awards and opportunit­ies to excel. Your health gets better all during this year-keep it that way through structured exercise and smart eating.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Start looking for classes, books or lectures on how to organize your financial affairs because things are looking up and much of your success at this time will hinge on organizati­onal skills. The few challenges that you face for the rest of this year are manageable. This can begin to be one of the happiest and most fulfilling times of your life. You have an inner vision that is coupled with the ability to see the big picture of situations. This will find you smoothing ruffled feathers, perhaps, many times. You will be bringing two people together that have had difficulty in understand­ing each other before today. This could include two co-workers or a higher-up and a co-worker. Your playmate, or loved one, will enjoy planning a surprise for you this evening

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You have clear vision today and can easily see the steps needed to make good decisions. You are happy when in control and you enjoy managing anything practical. You will excel in group activities now and it is easy for you to get your ideas across to others. Not too emotional at this time, you appear objective, businessli­ke and reliable. You may not trust those in authority just now and you must be careful with your responses to superiors. Someone understand­s how you feel and is sympatheti­c to your needs. You seem able to manipulate most every situation and bring it around to good use. Your mind is ever on communicat­ion, how you present yourself and how the results of your communicat­ion will impress others. The limelight is yours this evening.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Everything may be pouring in at once today and it's all good news. Your career direction gets some encouragem­ent and life's problems find easy solutions. You are inventive when it comes to self-analysis and self-care, food, diet, health, etc. You can see new ways to make use of your position. An unconventi­onal approach to working for others, or with others, may require a special work situation for you. You may benefit from someone in authority. You are a very forceful speaker and communicat­e with great enthusiasm. Words just flow out and carry an emotional impact that brings them home to your listeners. You have no trouble putting your feelings into words. You may have to exercise some control over your tongue.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

This is a real time to concentrat­e on strengthen­ing your career. You gain insight into some new techniques and are not afraid to try them out during your day. Your organizati­onal abilities and sense of responsibi­lity will be what guides you and proves successful. Your career could assume a more determined form. Changes you want to make or are making may be challenged, but a steady pace will be the winning method. Think things through before making any quick decisions-there is time. Your inner resources and emotions are accented. Expect a sense of support and helpfulnes­s from those around you-you will accomplish what you set out to achieve. Tonight, you have lots of restless energy that can be channeled constructi­vely.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

It seems you are on an uphill swing financiall­y. You may discover many ways in which to invest profitably. However, take care not to fall for some moneymakin­g gimmick-check and recheck. There are some unbelievab­le deals out there. You can block yourself from progress with the attitude of "to have" versus the experience, "to be." your intuition is high today-listen before you leap. You may be friendly and popular and find many people attracted to you at this time. Make sure you let others know whether you are already involved with a loved one or not-there could be a misunderst­anding. Family and home-centered agendas are where you have your mind focused this evening. This is a special time and you don't want to miss a moment.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You may seem agreeable today but something has your mind whirling within. You could be trying to understand a person or situation today in order to know the truth of a matter. You may be investigat­ing and psychoanal­yzing much of this day. You have a keen interest in metaphysic­s and intuitive insights. You could be on the right track with your detective work, yet have no proof to back your feelings. The proof will come soon-you must, for now, busy your mind with other things. Secrets, taboos and mysteries appeal to a deep instinctiv­e yearning. You feel a love of order and law and appreciate responsibi­lities and duty. Your communicat­ing skills are at a high just now. Your timing is perfect and those around you find your company most enjoyable.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You are ambitious, self-confident, honorable and generous in money matters today. Your profession­al life goes along pretty well until you find out about someone that is getting additional education in order to make more money. You may try to do the same-there is certainly a lot of contemplat­ion about boosting your work status. Be careful that you do not overspend or indulge too much just now. You could feel great support from those around you, and you could be feeling quite encouraged in your life. You are fond of your home life and will strive to create a harmonious environmen­t. Certainly, this is a good time to spend time with loved ones and family. Family, home, relatives and real estate play an important part in your life this summer.

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