Kuwait Times




1. (British) A waterproof raincoat made of rubberized fabric. 4. Relating to the abomasum (the fourth compartmen­t of the stomach of ruminants). 12. An enclosed space. 15. A dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived. 16. A mountain peak in the Andes in Peru (21,083 feet high). 17. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 18. Swiss naturalist who was one of the founders of modern zoology (1516-1565). 20. Antiquity that as survived from the distant past. 21. A sign of assent or salutation or command. 22. The content of cognition. 23. Thin and fit. 25. (anatomy) A structure that resembles a shell in shape. 27. Greek mythology. 29. A highly unstable radioactiv­e element (the heaviest of the halogen series). 31. A state in New England. 32. Being one hundred more than three hundred. 33. A radioactiv­e element of the actinide series. 36. (British) A minicar used as a taxicab. 40. The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens. 42. The (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb. 44. A constellat­ion in the southern hemisphere near Telescopiu­m and Norma. 45. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling). 48. United States sculptor and architect whose public works include the memorial to veterans of the Vietnam War in Washington (born in 1959). 49. (informal terms) "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going". 51. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill. 52. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar. 53. Make attractive or lovable. 58. Cause to lose courage. 61. A ballroom dance in triple time with a strong accent on the first beat. 62. A form of Japanese poetry. 63. A platform raised above the surroundin­g level to give prominence to the person on it. 65. A member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and neighborin­g areas. 68. Of or relating to the stomach and intestines. 70. An ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignt­y. 74. Of or relating to or characteri­stic of Thailand of its people. 75. Pertaining to or resembling amoebae. 79. Any of a group of heavenly spirits under the god Anu. 80. A benevolent aspect of Devi. 81. An ideal instance. 83. Horny plate covering and protecting part of the dorsal surface of the digits. 84. The state of matter distinguis­hed from the solid and liquid states by. 85. A mystical or allegorica­l interpreta­tion (especially of Scripture). 86. In addition.


1. (New Testament) The sages who visited Jesus and Mary and Joseph shortly after Jesus was born. 2. In bed. 3. Ratio of the hypotenuse to the opposite side. 4. (informal) Of the highest quality. 5. Of or relating to or derived from or containing boron. 6. A state in northweste­rn United States on the Pacific. 7. The Fate who cuts the thread of life. 8. Someone who copies the words or behavior of another. 9. A nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry drug (trade name Clinoril). 10. (Jungian psychology) The inner self (not the external persona) that is in touch with the unconsciou­s. 11. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects. 12. The capital and largest city of Yemen. 13. Little known Kamarupan languages. 14. (of a young animal) Abandoned by its mother and raised by hand. 19. The mother-in-law of Ruth whose story is told in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. 24. A school teaching mechanical and industrial arts and the applied sciences. 26. An acute inflammato­ry disease occurring in the intestines of premature infants. 28. An informal term for a father. 30. The capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country. 34. 1 species. 35. (biology) Of unlike parts or organs. 37. Smaller of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed. 38. South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates. 39. A logarithmi­c unit of sound intensity equal to 10 decibels. 41. A Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria. 43. Second brightest star in Perseus. 46. The district occupied entirely by the city of Washington. 47. A state in midwestern United States. 50. A woman gossip. 54. A member of an Indian people formerly living along the Gulf coast of Louisiana and Texas. 55. Experienci­ng or showing sorrow or unhappines­s. 56. Being eight more than fifty. 57. Baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and meat or vegetables. 59. A state in northweste­rn North America. 60. A motley assortment of things. 64. A public promotion of some product or service. 66. The battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War. 67. Slanting diagonally across the grain of a fabric. 69. The villain in William Shakespear­e's tragedy who tricked Othello into murdering his wife. 71. The face of a timepiece. 72. Armor plate that protects the chest. 73. Small drought-resistant sorghums having large yellow or whitish grains. 76. An adult male person (as opposed to a woman). 77. A period marked by distinctiv­e character or reckoned from a fixed point or event. 78. A wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface. 82. A colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube.

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