Kuwait Times

Trump lashes out at San Juan mayor who begged for help

Laggard US response to the natural disaster

- Accusation­s of ‘nastiness’

BRANCHBURG: US President Donald Trump yesterday lashed out at the mayor of San Juan and other officials in storm-ravaged Puerto Rico, contemptuo­us of their claims of a laggard US response to the natural disaster that has imperiled the island’s future. “They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort,” Trump said in a series of tweets a day after the capital city’s leader appealed for help “to save us from dying. Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help,” Trump said.

The tweets amounted to a biting response to San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, who had accused the Trump administra­tion of “killing us with the inefficien­cy” after Hurricane Maria. She implored the president, who is set to visit the US territory on Tuesday, to “make sure somebody is in charge that is up to the task of saving lives.”

Trump has pledged to spare no effort to help Puerto Rico recover from Maria’s ruinous aftermath, and tweeted that military personnel and first responders had done “an amazing job,” despite having “no electric, roads, phones etc.” Puerto Rico, he said, “was totally destroyed,” and “10,000 Federal workers now on the island are doing a fantastic job.” Trump’s acting homeland security secretary, Elaine Duke surveyed the Puerto Rican landscape by helicopter during a visit Friday. She also drove past still-flooded streets, twisted billboards and roofs with gaping holes, and offered encouragem­ent to some of the emergency personnel the US government has on the ground.

Duke also tried to move on from the remarks she made Thursday in which she called the federal relief effort a “good-news story.” On that front, she ran into winds as fierce as Maria. “We are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficien­cy,” Cruz said at a news conference. “I am begging, begging anyone that can hear us, to save us from dying.” Trump, from his golf club in New Jersey, took to Twitter to accuse Cruz of partisan politics.

Trump administra­tion is killing us with the inefficien­cy

“The Mayor of San Juan, who was very compliment­ary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump,” the president charged, without substantia­tion. Thousands more Puerto Ricans have received water and rationed food as an aid bottleneck has begun to ease. By now, telecommun­ications are back for about 30 percent of the island, nearly half of the supermarke­ts have reopened at least for reduced hours and about 60 percent of the gas stations are pumping. But many remain desperate for necessitie­s, most urgently water, long after the Sept. 20 hurricane.

Trump said Friday that Puerto Rico is “totally unable” to handle the catastroph­e on its own. “They are working so hard, but there’s nothing left,” he said. “It’s been wiped out.” He said the government is “fully engaged in the disaster and the response and recovery effort.” Trump said he was not aware of Duke’s “good-news” remark. “I haven’t heard what she said,” he told reporters. “I can tell you this: We have done an incredible job considerin­g there’s absolutely nothing to work with.”

Yet even in voicing solidarity and sympathy with Puerto Rico, he drew attention again to the island’s debt burden and infrastruc­ture woes, leaving doubt about how far Washington will go to make the U.S. territory whole. “Ultimately the government of Puerto Rico will have to work with us to determine how this massive rebuilding effort - it will end up being one of the biggest ever - will be funded and organized, and what we will do with the tremendous amount of existing debt already on the island,” he said. “We will not rest, however, until the people of Puerto Rico are safe.” — AP

 ??  ?? MOROVIS: Marta Sostre Vazquez reacts as she starts to wade into the San Lorenzo Morovis River with her family after a bridge was swept away by Hurricane Maria. — AP
MOROVIS: Marta Sostre Vazquez reacts as she starts to wade into the San Lorenzo Morovis River with her family after a bridge was swept away by Hurricane Maria. — AP
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