Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Go ahead and let yourself dream this morning; these times do not come too often. You may be working at another desk or perhaps station today. You are in a position to help others that want to take a little time away from work for a winter vacation and you are pleased to help. It is good to know that you can fit into most positions of responsibi­lity and not have to ask about protocol. This action on your part may also either increase your business or put you in a better position with your supervisor. You and a loving friend are on the same pleasant wavelength this afternoon; perhaps you will enjoy a shopping spree or a visit over tea and a small snack. This evening there is plenty of time to relax and share a massage with a loved one.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You may find your life’s direction or career putting some real pressure on your home and emotional life just now. Obviously you cannot live without both, so some kind of self-control on your part is indicated. Know that this process is temporary. You are making great strides in many areas of your life. Those around you may appreciate your ability to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and get work accomplish­ed. You might want to take a little time this evening before you socialize to think about your goals for this next year. Everything points to your taking the initiative in many areas of your life. You could feel great support from those around you. You may decide this is a good evening to enjoy a take home meal.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Being with others and working together should be particular­ly nice. Someone in authority may come to you with a plan for a particular job, because this person is familiar with your business talents. Being able to understand those around you almost assures you of a special time with someone you love. Good feelings and a sense of support and harmony makes this a pleasant time. Your charismati­c behavior and eloquence in communicat­ion and speech should find others following your lead, wherever you go. Things are really unconstrai­ned for self-expression, which works very well with your special ideas and thoughts. You are willing to lend a hand in some community project. Expect good things to happen when you volunteer.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Work of a collaborat­ive nature is particular­ly favored this morning. Today finds you efficient and sharp-witted. Work-related discussion­s go very well. Later, you could be looking deeper within yourself for some answers to spiritual questions that you have. This should be a good time for personal analysis, as you should be able to discover whole new areas of your inner self or mind that have before now, been closed. Expect insights into dreams and ideals. Your commonsens­e and emotions are accented. Expect a sense of support and goodwill from those around you, especially family. Others may seek you out for your psychologi­cal insight and understand­ing.

Tonight is a special night with loved ones and it is positive.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

This morning you may quickly get into the workplace in order to have a head start, perhaps on some unfinished business from yesterday. It could also be because the energy present is so upbeat, rushed and enthusiast­ic since visitors are coming that will need special attention. You may be the one chosen for this job, and anything you can do to represent your part of a particular company in a good light becomes successful. You expand your mental horizons by foreseeing the right path to take, the right words to say, the important informatio­n that is needed to pass on to others. You make good use of your time—this day ends in that type of sigh that comes when you know you have done your job well. Curiosity takes you into some fun places tonight.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Striving to be the very best that you can be is uppermost in your awareness of self. You just want to expand your knowledge and that could have you delving into politics, law, travel, religion, to name but a few of the possibilit­ies open to you now. Some of the things that you do could be the result of longing to be the center of attention. You are a deeply feeling, conscienti­ous person who loves to give gifts; you like to feel appreciate­d for what you do. You have nothing to worry about—other people love to show you their appreciati­on. Dreams of some form of honor or fame and respect are granted . . . Especially among family members. You may find this an intriguing, intuitive and possibly even a

romantic time in which you will feel a lot of pride.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A question that had occupied your mind may be answered unexpected­ly while you are at work this day. Though you will be making progress with one business matter, you may encounter delays with another. This is not too unusual for this time of the year and if you take notes and keep track of the people you need to contact, the work can be quickly completed at the appropriat­e time. A sense of belonging to something bigger than the merely personal becomes a greater focus at this time. You attach a lot of importance to friends and you enjoy being with them. Tonight there is an invitation to do just that—be with your friends. Now is the time for relaxation and fun talks with friends; no work talk this evening.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Enlarging your intellectu­al and spiritual horizons takes on a high priority. You are intent on seeing the big picture and getting to the point of whatever you become involved with. Travel and further education could be helpful in bringing this about. Keeping in touch with ideas and people on a large scale helps you keep your mind busy. You may come up with a new way to go forward with some plan or a decision with regard to a profession­al circumstan­ce. This afternoon you may find yourself serving as a mentor to someone younger. Use care that you do not overdo in your work or in your volunteer programs . . . You have a need to be refreshed and positive in order to use your skills well. There is a

sense of testing the limits somewhat.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

A few important subjects catch your eye this morning and you hustle to get the job completed. A fun lunch break is the just the opportunit­y you will need to enjoy a bit of relaxation. This afternoon you may be inspired to begin a new project and a few others could step on board to help. You and your co-worker friends can be quite successful and could gain the attention of higher-ups. An important relationsh­ip, possibly with a young person or someone in your near surroundin­gs, may come into focus this afternoon; tutoring is a possibilit­y. Home is likely to be the center of activity tonight. Someone cooked a lot this evening with the possibilit­y that friends or family may be out of town toward the end of this month. This is a fine, enjoyable time.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You really use your head to your advantage when it comes to working and dealing with others. You seem to know just what to do and can act without hurry or worry. You are called on to make use of your natural abilities and common sense. You may need to take the initiative today if you want certain things accomplish­ed in the manner that you think they should be. You could feel great assistance from those around you. You feel healthy and very capable of handling almost any situation. Constructi­on or repair of a neighborho­od street may find you looking for a new route to drive home or a different place to park. Some changes in your environmen­t may be inevitable. A friend may ask you for assistance this evening. It seems this person has car trouble.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You should find no problem in communicat­ing with regard to groups in general, because of your demonstrat­ed ability to understand and be sensitive to others’ needs just now. Your emotional stability may bring your profession­al abilities into the realm of customer relations or consumer complaints that will lead to research, reporting and many other avenues of work that you might not have ever considered. There may be a need for you to make some important changes in your life such as breaking with the antiquated trends of the past. There is a longing for anything new, different and unique. You are a very generous person, but you do like to be recognized for the efforts you put forth to be helpful. You may remember this as a most appreciati­ve time.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Think things through carefully, as it is a time when you could make some less than perfect choices or decisions in the workplace. There could be a tendency to become rushed, either from your own desire to complete tasks or from outside influences. Sometimes you do not feel you fit into the scheme of life that you are trying to fit into these days. Why not step back and look at what you have accomplish­ed and where your talents areperhaps you are an artist and you have been working as an accountant. Keeping in touch with friends and being involved socially are what leads to your emotional nourishmen­t. Make some changes in your life toward a life-style you think you might enjoy. This may take time but it is most beneficial.

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