Kuwait Times

Pick perfect produce

Tips to help you select the best fruits and vegetables


Farmers’ markets and grocery store produce aisles are jammed with juicy fruits and crunchy vegetables just waiting to jump into our baskets, especially in the summer. But it can be confusing trying to select the ripest produce — even for self-proclaimed foodies.

So, we turned to the experts — chefs, cookbook authors and restaurant owners — to give us their hot tips on picking the best produce available.

Marjorie Druker, chef and owner of the New England Soup Factory in Boston, suggests shopping at farmers’ markets.

“Local tastes better because it’s coming from a smaller farm where they’re growing less and maybe they’ve got some tricks up their sleeves about when is the perfect time to pick it,” Druker says.

“Iron Chef” Cat Cora has another simple suggestion: “Ask questions.” Find out where the crops came from, how long ago they were harvested and how they were grown (all-natural, organic, with pesticides, etc.).

And Amelia Saltsman, author of “The Santa Monica Farmers’ Market Cookbook: Seasonal Foods, Simple Recipes and Stories from the Market and Farm,” says to use all five senses. Look for ugly spots, a sign the fruit is going bad. Most produce should be somewhat soft to the touch — and many have a scent when ripe. Some have specific sounds indicating ripeness like crisp, snapping green beans. And for taste, many vendors will allow you to sample the produce.

Use our guide to some common fruits and vegetables to figure out what’s in season, what to look for and what to avoid — plus how to store your fresh items once you’ve gotten them home.

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