Kuwait Times

2018 year for protecting the planet


This will be a big year for the Paris climate agreement. The broad outlines of the deal were figured out in 2015, but the specific rules governing what it requires countries to do will have to be written by the end of 2018.

In spite of Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the accord, the deal appears surprising­ly strong. In the final months of 2017, Nicaragua and Syria, the last two holdouts of the more than 190 nations that met in Paris, signed on. The United States, meanwhile, will not be able to withdraw from the agreement until November 4, 2020 - four years to the day after the agreement went into effect and, coincident­ally, one day after the next US presidenti­al election.

Now it’s time to figure out the fine print. The process that must wrap up before the end of 2018 is comparable to the period after Congress passes any legislatio­n, when regulatory agencies need to figure out what a given law will mean in practice. Over the course of 2018, negotiator­s from around the world will be working through the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the treaty that undergirds the Paris Agreement, to do something similar.

At the top of their to-do list are rules for what the UN calls “transparen­cy” - that is, rules for measuring countries’ emissions, and for measuring their progress toward reducing that pollution. When each country signed on to the agreement, it offered a goal, or a “national determined contributi­on,” stating how much it planned to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Over time, countries are expected to improve on those pledges. The Paris Agreement’s objective is that these goals will gradually add up to a large enough reduction in global emissions that global warming can be contained within 2 degrees Celsius.


Transparen­cy is essential to determine whether that 2-degree target is realistic. Practicall­y speaking, the UN needs to figure out how countries will report their progress toward their emission-cutting goals. It will also need to figure out how to determine whether those reports are accurate. This will mean digging into topics that, during past rounds of negotiatio­ns, have proven to be complex and technicall­y intricate.

When it comes to reporting, “the Paris Agreement itself essentiall­y points to a common approach for countries but also acknowledg­es a need for flexibilit­y for the countries that need it,” says David Waskow, head of the DC-based World Resources Institute’s Internatio­nal Climate Initiative. That “common approach” is key, and something that US diplomats representi­ng both Republican and Democratic administra­tions have pushed for years. If the UN has different standards for different countries - for instance, if it holds India and China to lower transparen­cy standards than the European Union - then the agreement will be weakened at a time when it needs to get much stronger.

The flip side of those common reporting standards is flexibilit­y. By allowing for some variation in the informatio­n that countries report, the UN acknowledg­es that not every country will be able to measure their greenhouse gas emissions with the same degree of accuracy.

A national government, Waskow explains, needs “to know basic data about not only power plants but industrial facilities, what’s happening with transporta­tion systems and vehicles, what kind of fuels are being used, what’s happening in the agricultur­e sector, what’s happening with land use, et cetera. It requires government capacity not only at the national level but at the sub-national level - the city and state and provincial level - to be able to know what power plants and industrial facilities are in operation and at what level they’re producing and emitting.”


Not every county has that capacity. The specifics of how the UN deals with the range of data available is one of the things that must be figured out in 2018. One of the goals of the Paris Agreement is that every country eventually will be able to report informatio­n with the same degree of accuracy. Initially, however, that won’t be the case. So negotiator­s this year will have to write rules that require strong, accurate reports, but that leave developing countries some wiggle room.

Negotiator­s will also have to figure out how the UN will measure emissions outside national borders, including those from airplanes and boats in internatio­nal waters. Planes and boats together account for about four percent of global emissions, by some estimates, and both air travel and maritime cargo shipping are expected to increase in coming years. Measuring these emissions will likely involve greater use of technology, especially satellites that can measure carbon dioxide and other climate change-causing pollutants from space. — Reuters

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