Kuwait Times

US faces ‘growing threats’ from Russia, China

Mattis: American military’s advantages have eroded in recent years


WASHINGTON: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Friday that America is facing “growing threats” from China and Russia, and warned that the US military’s advantages have eroded in recent years.

Mattis’s assessment came as he unveiled the Pentagon’s vision for the future detailed in a document called the national defense strategy. “We face growing threats from revisionis­t powers as different as China and Russia, nations that seek to create a world consistent with their authoritar­ian models,” Mattis said. “Our military is still strong, yet our competitiv­e edge has eroded in every domain of warfare-air, land, sea, space and cyberspace-and is continuall­y eroding,” he added.

President Donald Trump and his administra­tion worry that the vast US military force is feeling the effects of years of budget shortfalls and atrophy, and needs a full reboot to restore it to an idealized strength.

Blueprint for the future

Part wish list, part blueprint for the coming years, the Pentagon’s national defense strategy seeks to increase the size of the military, improve its readiness and work with allies-all while operating across multiple theaters including in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

“This strategy establishe­s my intent to pursue urgent change at significan­t scale,” Mattis wrote in the introducti­on to the strategy.

“We must use creative approaches, make sustained investment and be discipline­d in execution to field a Joint Force fit for our time, one that competes, deters and wins in this increasing­ly complex security environmen­t.”

The announceme­nt sparked a backlash from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who branded the new US strategy as “confrontat­ional.”

“It is regrettabl­e that instead of having a normal dialogue, instead of using the basis of internatio­nal law, the US is indeed striving to prove their leadership through such confrontat­ional strategies and concepts,” Lavrov told a news conference at the United Nations.

Elbridge Colby, the US deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force developmen­t, told reporters that Mattis’s strategy seeks to deal with the “erosion” of America’s military advantage.

“What it is recognizin­g is that China and Russia in particular have been assiduousl­y working over a number of years to develop their military capabiliti­es to challenge our military advantages,” he said.

South China Sea threat

The new defense strategy follows on from Trump’s national security strategy that he released last month which, similarly, highlights the role of China and Russia in the global security environmen­t.

“China is a strategic competitor using predatory economics to intimidate its neighbors while militarizi­ng features in the South China Sea,” Mattis wrote.

“Russia has violated the borders of nearby nations and pursues veto power over the economic, diplomatic and security decisions of its neighbors,” he added, while also pointing a finger at Iran and North Korea for their threats to peace.

The two countries reacted furiously to Trump’s security strategy, with Beijing accusing Washington of having a “Cold War mentality” while Moscow denounced its “imperialis­t character.”

Trump’s security strategy contrasts with the friendly nature of his first state visit to Beijing in November, when he received a lavish welcome and repeatedly praised President Xi Jinping.

One of the biggest criticisms inside the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill is that the US military is suffering from a lack of readiness, where troops and gear are not getting the training or maintenanc­e they need.

Mattis said the United States must be ready to fight a war. “The surest way to prevent war is to be prepared to win one,” he said. “Doing so requires a competitiv­e approach to force developmen­t and a consistent, multiyear investment to restore war fighting readiness and field a lethal force.”

Pressure on European allies Mattis’s strategy also calls for greater coordinati­on with allies, who Trump on the campaign trail lambasted for not doing enough to share the burden of defending the post-World War II order.

“We expect European allies to fulfill their commitment­s to increase defense and modernizat­ion spending to bolster the alliance in the face of our shared security concerns,” Mattis said, in reference to NATO countries paying more into their defense budgets.

Republican Senator John McCain, who chairs the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee that helps oversee the Pentagon, welcomed Mattis’s strategy for getting “the big decisions right.”

“A new era of great power competitio­n has emerged, and this strategy prioritize­s that reality,” he said in a statement.

The document makes no mention of climate change, which under former

president Barack Obama was recognized as a national security threat. Trump has claimed climate change is a hoax and pulled the US out of the historic climate accords in Paris. —AFP

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