Kuwait Times

In Russia, Trump euphoria leaves a lasting hangover

‘Actions of the current administra­tion in line with Obama’s’ The Kremlin’s frustratio­n is palpable


MOSCOW: A year ago, Russian nationalis­ts partied in central Moscow to celebrate Donald Trump’s inaugurati­on as the 45th president of the United States. Euphoria has given way to dismay as the man they expected to end US sanctions against Russia reluctantl­y reinforced the penalties and allegation­s of Russian interferen­ce in the US election, denied by Moscow, eroded political ties.

Some Russians even say it might have been better if Hillary Clinton, long portrayed as rabidly anti-Russian, had won the presidency. “Under a Clinton administra­tion ... we could have maintained some kind of contacts and dialogue, at least in the arms control sphere. Now, that’s all gone,” said Valery Garbuzov, director of the Institute for US and Canadian Studies in Moscow, which advises the government on foreign policy.

Before he was elected, Trump’s talk of wanting better relations with Moscow and praise for President Vladimir Putin delighted Russian officials, who had watched ties with the administra­tion of Barack Obama sink to a postCold War low. News of Trump’s White House win was greeted by applause in the Russian lower house of parliament and the head of the Kremlin-backed RT TV channel, Margarita Simonyan, said she felt like driving around Moscow with a US flag.

Simonyan now spends much of her time assailing the US authoritie­s, accusing them of shutting down free speech there by designatin­g her channel as “a foreign agent.” Tsargrad, the nationalis­t TV channel that broadcast the main Russian Trump inaugurati­on party at Moscow’s Soviet-era post office, accused Trump this week of criticizin­g Russia over North Korea to distract from his own problems at home.

With the US Congress continuing investigat­ions into alleged collusion between Trump and Russia and the administra­tion working on lawmakers’ demand for more punitive measures, the Kremlin’s frustratio­n is palpable. While Putin met Trump twice last year, officials here say they are unaware of any plans for a bilateral summit and Moscow tried and failed to set up a formal meeting between Putin and Trump at an APEC summit in November. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov listed US-Russia relations as among the biggest disappoint­ments of 2017. The US Treasury Department is due to publish a report before the end of this month naming wealthy Russians close to Putin or the authoritie­s, something Russian officials fear is a prelude to extending a list of sanctioned people and entities. Russian officials say they expect at least another six US government reports this year that may result in new US action against Russia’s energy and financial sectors as well as media, and a possible ban on the purchase of Russian Treasury bonds.

“(US) sanctions policy is designed to turn Russia into a toxic asset so that any investor will think 10 times before deciding to enter the Russian market,” said Ivan Timofeev, a sanctions expert at the Russian Internatio­nal Affairs Council (RIAC), a think-tank close to the Russian Foreign Ministry. Russia’s scope to defend itself from new sanctions was “extremely limited,” he said.

‘Tougher than Obama’

Putin has put a brave face on worsening US-Russia relations, using his annual news conference in December to say he thought ties would eventually recover, while praising Trump for his economic achievemen­ts. But though Russian officials say they believe Trump’s stated desire to improve ties with Moscow is sincere, they portray him as a lame duck president when it comes to making Russia policy, neutered by his domestic political opponents.

The result, they complain, is that US-Russia ties are actually worse in some ways than under Obama and that high-level contacts are virtually non-existent. “Unfortunat­ely the actions of the current administra­tion are in line with Obama’s, despite the line of president Trump during his election campaign. In certain areas, they are even more assertive,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his annual news conference this month.

Both Trump and Putin may say they want better ties, officials say, but day-to-day relations between the two countries are locked in a downward spiral with no Cold War-style communicat­ions channels to help tamp down tensions. Russian efforts to persuade Trump to hand it back two diplomatic properties in the United States seized under the Obama administra­tion have come to nothing, prompting Moscow to respond by seizing US property in Russia. Putin last year ordered the US Embassy in Russia to shed half its staff. The Trump administra­tion has also upped pressure on Russia over Ukraine, going further than Obama by authorizin­g the supply of new weapons to Kiev, which is locked in a war with pro-Russian separatist­s in eastern Ukraine. —Reuters

 ??  ?? HAMBURG: This file photo taken on July 7, 2017 shows US President Donald Trump and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin shaking hands during a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Summit. —AFP
HAMBURG: This file photo taken on July 7, 2017 shows US President Donald Trump and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin shaking hands during a meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Summit. —AFP
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