Kuwait Times

In year of drama, Pence advances conservati­ve agenda


WASHINGTON: In the run-up to President Donald Trump’s decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Vice President Mike Pence, a conservati­ve Christian who had long advocated for the move, did something he does only selectivel­y: speak up. As intelligen­ce and diplomatic officials warned against the change, Pence made a forceful “closing argument” in favor of it at a White House Situation Room meeting, leading a group that included senior adviser Jared Kushner and US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, a senior administra­tion official said.

Pence helped persuade Trump to fulfill a campaign promise and upend long-standing US policy by declaring he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, over objections from Arab nations and many Western allies. In a year marked by chaos and infighting in Trump’s White House, Pence has been one of the most effective administra­tion officials in advancing his own policy goals. His behind-the-scenes influence described in interviews with more than two dozen conservati­ve activists, lawmakers and administra­tion officials - adds another dimension to a man often ridiculed for his public obsequious­ness to his boss.

‘Religious liberty’

As Pence has put his stamp on policy, he has strengthen­ed his ties with conservati­ve activists, donors and lawmakers - alliances that would serve him well should he decide to launch his own presidenti­al bid in the future. But while he is a darling of conservati­ve Republican­s, Pence is often to the right of mainstream America on social issues like gay rights. In 2015, as governor of Indiana, he was forced to revise a state “religious liberty” law he had signed which opponents say allowed discrimina­tion against gays.

Pence, who leaves on Friday for a trip to Egypt, Jordan and Israel, has made a mark on domestic policy as vice president. The former congressma­n staunchly opposes abortion rights and passionate­ly supports de-regulation of business and shrinking the size of government. While heading up the presidenti­al transition a year ago, he placed several advocates who oppose abortion rights in key positions at the Health and Human Services department.

HHS has made several decisions that have advanced the social conservati­ve agenda, including broadening exemptions for employers who cite religious or moral reasons for refusing to cover birth control. Pence led the charge for reinstatin­g the so-called Mexico City policy that requires foreign non-government­al organizati­ons that receive US funding to vow to not discuss or perform abortions. The policy expanded under the Trump administra­tion to apply to the majority of US global health assistance, which totals more than $8 billion.

For months, Pence has pushed for redirectin­g aid money from the United Nations to the US Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t so it can be directed to Christians in the Middle East. Earlier this month, USAID, citing Pence’s remarks, said it renegotiat­ed the terms of an agreement so that $5 million will go to addressing the needs of “vulnerable religious and ethnic minority communitie­s” in Iraq. Pence has also been central to the administra­tion’s legislativ­e efforts, including the tax cuts passed last year. Several conservati­ve activists said he helped generate momentum by bringing in conservati­ve groups to get their input and support. Early last year, when thousands of activists began arriving in the US capital for the annual “March for Life” anti-abortion rights event Trump, then a Washington novice, asked Pence about it. The vice president described its importance in marking the anniversar­y of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. —Reuters

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