Kuwait Times

Female official Sherpa from Nepal scales to new heights

First woman to earn prestigiou­s internatio­nal qualificat­ion


When Dawa Yangzum Sherpa first set her sights on being a mountain guide, she was told it was no job for a girl. Now she has proved her doubters wrong, becoming Nepal’s first woman to earn a prestigiou­s internatio­nal qualificat­ion. Last month, the 27-year-old completed a rigorous course run by the Swiss-based Internatio­nal Federation of Mountain Guides, often described as a PhD in mountainee­ring.

The prestigiou­s qualificat­ion has been awarded to around 6,000 people worldwide and just 50 men in Nepal, despite climbing being a major revenue earner for the impoverish­ed country. Sherpa belongs to the Himalayan ethnic group that has become synonymous with mountain guiding thanks to their reputation for being strong climbers with a natural tolerance for the lack of oxygen at high altitudes. But in Nepal-home to eight of the world’s highest mountains-climbing remains a man’s job.

“This is a challengin­g field, even more so if you are a girl. There were people who said this is not a girl’s job, that I won’t get work or (asked) what will I do if I have kids,” Sherpa said. Mountainee­ring is the lifeblood of Sherpa’s home village in Rolwaling valley, which neighbors Mount Everest, and scores of its residents have summated the 8,848-metre peak. “I knew what I wanted to do. My passion was to be outdoors, to climb. And my family did not discourage me,” Sherpa told AFP.

At 17, Sherpa was already guiding tourists on trekking routes, and soon after that scaled her first mountain, Nepal’s 5,500-metre Yala Peak. American climber David Gottlieb, who works with US-based expedition operator Alpine Ascents Internatio­nal, remembers Sherpa showing great promise when he roped her in for an ice-climbing trip in the Rolwaling Valley. “It is something else to see that great a promise of ability in a craft that not everybody is good at. And she displayed that immediatel­y,” Gottlieb said.

‘Like an addiction’

After racking up a number of summits of smaller mountains, in 2012 Sherpa was selected to join an expedition organized by National Geographic to the world’s highest peak. “Everest used to be my aim. I used to think that once I scale Everest it will be enough. But climbing is like an addiction. The more I climbed, the more I wanted to climb,” she said. It was after returning from that successful summit that she signed up to become a certified mountain guide. In 2014, she was part of the first Nepali women’s team to scale Pakistan’s K2, considered one of the world’s toughest climbs. Last year, she attempted to climb the world’s third highest peak, Kangchenju­nga on the Nepal-India border, but bad weather forced her to turn back before the summit.

“She was already moving forward to become one of the top women mountainee­rs not just in Nepal but in the world, but this certificat­e will open many new opportunit­ies for her,” said Sunar Bahadur Gurung, President of the Nepal National Mountain Guides Associatio­n. “Dawa is very capable but is also extremely determined.” Sherpa is planning to guide a team to North America’s highest peak Denali

with Alpine Ascents Internatio­nal this June, and will then return home to Nepal where she also works as an instructor at two climbing schools. She hopes that she is just the first of many women from Nepal who will look to the fabled peaks of the Himalayas for a career. “I didn’t have anyone to look up to and sometimes doubted if I could do it,” she said. “But hopefully my small success will inspire other girls to follow their dreams.”

My passion was to be outdoors, to climb

 ?? AFP photos ?? Dawa Yangzum Sherpa examining climbing gear in Kathmandu.—
AFP photos Dawa Yangzum Sherpa examining climbing gear in Kathmandu.—
 ??  ?? This photo taken on January 4, 2018 shows Nepali mountain guide Dawa Yangzum Sherpa posing with a mountainee­ring certificat­e in Kathmandu.
This photo taken on January 4, 2018 shows Nepali mountain guide Dawa Yangzum Sherpa posing with a mountainee­ring certificat­e in Kathmandu.

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