Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, a great rest helps you awaken with zest and vitality; you are set on go for taking care of business and making things happen with ease. The energies are such that your choices are made with confidence and assurance of being correct. If you find yourself responsibl­e for paperwork, this is the perfect time for this type of task; you mind easily focuses on what you need to do. You may not jive well with those around you today; look for ways to make progress without calling on anyone for help. You find a place where you buy a certain product has been closed or moved somewhere far away. Tonight, you could hear from a friend you haven t seen in a very long time; this evening brings a chance to try exotic new recipes for several friends or loved ones, Aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, the stars are aligned for creating an energy of change; if you’re unhappy with a certain environmen­t you have the ability to transform this. Check your attitude and realize what you create with it. The desire to make things better is strong; improving your world serves to provide health and vitality. A sticky situation at home shifts you into high gear; you save the day when you discover a different way to make something happen. Someone stops by to see you that understand­s your feelings. You don t feel grateful for a certain person that loves you, but is honest. Hold off on choosing styles or colors until your thoughts are clearer. Trouble with a younger person blows up in your face; remember that children only know what we teach, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, you could find yourself interrupte­d when you try to communicat­e your thoughts. You look into a certain situation as though dissecting each aspect of it. A disagreeme­nt stays on your mind more than it should; sometimes when we step back we allow others to learn their own lessons. Someone treasures your input regarding a personal issue that has grown volatile. An opportunit­y to volunteer in an important capacity is possible; this could indicate a gardening project or perhaps pet or house sitting is on the horizon. Creating fresh energy in the home could be accomplish­ed by adding new furnishing­s, paint or plants. The purchase of a new diffuser for essential oils could happen. This evening is spent enjoying new animals or children, Gemini.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, you’ve entered a new cycle indicating a desire to learn more about the unknown. Remember not to collapse yourself into new informatio­n and beliefs until you have taken some time to absorb their full meaning. You wonder if it s worth looking deeply into your soul; you may dislike some things you find. You enjoy and desire to live the good life, but it s not worth envy or unhappines­s. Now is great timing for taking pleasure in what you have already created in your life. Your estimate of what items are worth is right on; your eye for value is as strong as it s ever been, when called upon it s dependable. Someone surprising could reach out to invite you to take part in a quickly organized gathering of old friends; reunion of some kind is indicated, Cancer.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, a close look at your personal life and private attitudes and behaviors is called for. A person with totally different beliefs and methods causes conflict. The energy of those around you is crystal clear; you comfort someone with an emotional hurt. Positive feelings are rampant today as you visit with one person after the next. The stars are aligned for peace and contentmen­t overall; enjoy this wonderful time you’ll long remember! A challenge brings new options and ideas about how to deal with a recurring situation you dislike. A needed new purchase could become the best thing you have done for your home in a long while; spending time with someone who knows about what needs to be included in this purchase is a wise choice this evening, Leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, you’re not happy with your current living arrangemen­ts or the circumstan­ces you re living with. An opportunit­y for making changes is available if you choose to accept it; you could have to make special efforts to succeed but success is very possible. Being frustrated could cause your emotions to flare; maintainin­g control is possible if you commit to it. You want to broaden your mind and enrich your thinking, but someone could disagree with your methods or the informatio­n you get. Stand your ground while conceding that everyone has their individual opinions. Your political or religious values could be points of contention if discussed with the wrong people. Spend

time with loved ones playing board games or putting together jigsaw puzzles, Virgo.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, someone needs your steady hand with a delicate project. A new fad gets your attention having to do with fashion or a new type of toy. Your concern is fixed on someone younger that warms your heart; this could indicate a period of time for nurturing and revisiting the way you were raised. Take some time to refresh yourself with a haircut or massage; your health is better with the new diet and lifestyle. A sticky situation could land in your lap simply because no one else knows what to do with it! The ending of an old, worrisome condition has arrived, and none too soon; you shouldn’t feel guilty for being relieved, everyone has their limits. A delicious meal with desert, shared with someone you love, creates an atmosphere of plenty and peace, Libra.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, look back over your life, you have had a charmed one overall! But now, you re blessed with hard work and good fortune coming together in perfect harmony: you can t ask for better life conditions. Think about the bullets you have dodged, so far so good, but the consequenc­es of risky behavior can t be escaped forever. Your quirks could cause you to be labeled as odd. You verge on brilliant when you discover a different way to do something routine. Later today someone may be rude and interrupt at an inopportun­e time. You enjoy your home and intimate surroundin­gs, grateful for the privilege. Any problems or obstacles are easily dealt with, life is good. Those you spend

time with today notice your relaxed mood and positive attitude, Scorpio.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Sagittariu­s, your interests expand to include unusual topics; you find a large number of books appealing. Some subjects that grab your attention could be controvers­ial and sensitive to some, best keep what you re learning to yourself at this time. You long to do something that could get you in trouble; is this worth what it would cost is what you should consider. When you compare your life to someone else s you feel humble and blessed; you have worked hard and made good choices. Looking deeply into your motivation­s helps you know yourself better. You could feel frustrated or blocked when you offer advice; let this go and keep moving forward. On the other hand, someone seeks your wise advice and counsel on a very personal matter, Sagittariu­s.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, a quiet day at home is what you planned but something crops up you have to tend to. New informatio­n has you wondering what s wrong with the world! The people around you could rub you entirely the wrong way, but you manage to avoid any quarrels with them. Even so, you re able to find moments of joy throughout the day. Your focus is on continuing down a peace-seeking path and away from toxic energy. If emotional difference­s remain a problem, stay quiet and let this unfold; watch as karma takes care of everything, and this includes you. You like people and this is obvious later when you lend a stranger a helping hand. You invite someone over for a nice visit that strengthen­s bonds; plans are made for an important project, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Aquarius, you have entered a cycle that brings much learning and handson practice of new theories. The energies indicated here are tuned to your creative process; let your mind think as though there are no boundaries. You long to create products or images or words that move the emotions of many. If you work in the service industry, understand that your smile goes a long way to brighten someone s day. You feel a strong desire to be whimsical, as though skipping through a fairytale; fun, games taking risks are all part of this phase. If you feel blocked or frustrated, this could be due to the position of the planets just now; this will change soon. You could feel a sense of relief this evening as you share dinner with some special people, Aquarius!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, you love new concepts and theories. You may be pulled into an interestin­g conversati­on that relates to the universe. Your expectatio­ns could be so high that you find you are left out of some plans. You could feel separated and lonely just now; know that this is very temporary! Deep, reflective moods could dominate you waking hours. Your newly discovered ways of doing things could clash with others in your circle of people; be careful not to collapse yourself into being right when perhaps you re not. You may feel it s necessary to make a long overdue phone call to someone who loves you. A need to be approved of and as though you belong is prominent; avoid being clingy in your marriage or other close relationsh­ips in your life, Pisces.

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