Kuwait Times

Fish oil supplement­s don’t help dry eye disease


TAMPA: Fish oil supplement­s have long been recommende­d to people suffering from dry eye disease, a common ailment that affects millions worldwide-but a study out Friday says they don’t work. “Omega-3 supplement­s are no more effective than placebo at alleviatin­g dry eye symptoms,” read the findings from a randomized clinical trial involving 535 people and published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Dry eye disease affects more than 16 million Americans, causing burning, itching, stinging, and impaired vision. Experts estimate that in the United States dry eye costs some $55 billion per year in lost productivi­ty and medical care, according to background informatio­n in the article. Those enrolled in the study had all struggled with moderate to severe dry eye for at least six months.

The subjects were randomly assigned to either a daily dose of an omega-3 supplement or an olive oil placebo, delivered in identical capsules. Neither the patients nor their eye doctors knew which treatment group they were in. After a year, symptoms had “improved substantia­lly in both groups,” said the report. A total of 61 percent of people in the omega-3 group and 54 percent of those in the control group achieved at least a 10-point improved, but the difference between groups was not statistica­lly significan­t. “We were surprised that the omega-3 supplement­s had no beneficial effect,” said study co-author Vatinee Bunya, an assistant professor of ophthalmol­ogy at Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvan­ia. “The results are significan­t and may change the way a lot of ophthalmol­ogists and optometris­ts treat their patients.”

According to Matthew Gorski, an ophthalmol­ogist at Northwell Health in New York, doctors interested in dry eye and the effectiven­ess of fish oil supplement­s have “eagerly awaited results of clinical trials with the hope that it would potentiall­y improve one’s quality of life.” Gorski, who was not involved in the research, said “further studies should be performed to confirm this finding.” —AFP

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