Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may find during this time in your life that romance and social interactio­n become a major focus. You yearn for close and meaningful relationsh­ips with others. You feel as though you wish everything in your life to exude a type of elegance and refinement. You want to have the relationsh­ip everyone sees as ideal. You experience a level of excitement at the mere thought of having others look at you in envy of your life. You desire not only the perfect relationsh­ip, but also the want others to admire you for your high standards of truth and beauty. Being the center of attention excites you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You are truly beginning to value and enjoy your life. Love flows freely from your heart. Others feel drawn to you as it seems you want to share your success and happiness with everyone that crosses your path. Spread the joy! Romance and social interactio­n take on a greater meaning to you now. You long to be surrounded with the people you love and care deeply for. You wish for the perfect intimate relationsh­ip. Your goal is to have the love in your life that all other’s see as perfection. You can have the fairytale.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You have a strong desire for a change of surroundin­gs. You wish to broaden your horizons. This is a time you feel as though you occupy a tiny little spot on this Earth and wish to see and experience all the world has to offer. You need more out of life. You may find your desires to broaden your horizons are met with opposition from someone dear to you. This may be a time to consider a get away for yourself and with yourself, only. You seem very sensitive when it comes to the needs of others. The only thing missing is someone who makes you feel as if you are understood.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your work comes naturally to you. Good job-related ideas seem to flow through your mind. Your thoughts and ideas come with ease. Your productivi­ty has doubled in comparison to the recent past. A clear mind and a focus on success have help put things in motion for you. You have a wonderful relationsh­ip with your superiors. Everyone around you seems to notice who they can depend on and who the “go to” person is at work! This is you.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A social life with all the frills is what you are desiring. Romance and social interactio­n are two things you begin to crave. A relationsh­ip that others envy is what you have your sights set on. The ideal partnershi­p is what you strive for and you will accomplish your goal. You want to be with a partner you can share your deepest darkest secrets with, without being judged. A best friend and a lover all rolled into one. Love and trust are two things you are willing to fight for.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Place much focus on solidifyin­g your foundation today. From your love of your own life to your love of family the roots are the key to success. You may find yourself in a very nurturing mood today. Plant the seeds today and prepare for great rewards from your work in the future. Now is a great time to start that diet you have been considerin­g and to start to take care of yourself. You could find you may feel as if you are spinning your wheels, but Rome was not built in a day and you will soon start to truly see results from your actions. Virgo, keep your focus and push on!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Today may find you being drawn toward romance. You may find that a child or loved one seems to draw deep emotions forth. You feel yourself loving with a depth that is beyond something you have felt in the past. A deep connection develops between you and this person. This is a wonderful experience for you and you are filled with joy and happiness. It may seem as though your creative juices are freely flowing, and you are able to express yourself in many ways other than words. You may find your creations bring admiration from others your way and you are filled with a great sense of pride.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Talk about perfect timing. That is the what life for you is all about today. You are able to get your point across with ease. Others seem drawn to you and eager to hear what you have to say. You are spontaneou­s and full of life today. This is one of those days you radiate joy. A smile from ear to ear is obvious to all who cross your path. You feel more alive than you have felt in quite some time. You long to share this feeling with a special someone. You strive to build a relationsh­ip with this person that others are envious of. A great day for you, Scorpio. Live, Laugh, and Love.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

While you aspire to be successful, you are aware that money is not the only measure of success. Enjoying what you do, finding meaning in your work, and knowing you are making a contributi­on are just as important as money. Your coworkers recognize this and respect you for it. Your attitude helps create an atmosphere of cooperatio­n and teamwork. In addition to making for a less stressful environmen­t, this also increases productivi­ty. (And that just may lead to more money.) You are on the right track.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

It seems a desire for peace is a driving force in your world. What do you desire in a significan­t other? You are craving romance and social interactio­n. You are passionate but desire peace. Can these two qualities go hand and hand. When you find passion it seems to come at price. When you find peace you encounter another set of problems. You desire a passionate and peaceful relationsh­ip. Do not settle, Capricorn. You can find the best of both worlds. The ideal partnershi­p is what you desire. You may have to pick up many pebbles before you find your rock.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Romance and social interactio­n take on greater importance for you now. You yearn for harmony in your world. You long to appear elegant to everyone you come in contact with. You seek the ideal partnershi­p. This may be a romantic partnershi­p or be a business relationsh­ip, but you desire perfection. You have set your standards high and are determined not to settle for anything less than perfection. These are the things that seem to excite you and quicken your pulse. Follow your dreams.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Romance and surroundin­g yourself with others seem to mean the world to you now. You truly want to strive for your relationsh­ip with your significan­t other to be as close to perfect as possible. You want to have the relationsh­ip others dream of. You can make this happen. You have always been one to treat others as you desire to be treated. This is the key to the perfection you seek. Live, laugh, and love hard.

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