Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may find harmony and beauty to be deeply satisfying to you today. You have a deep desire to get along with everyone that crosses your path. You may also find yourself playing mediator to friends that seem to not be able to see eye to eye today. You may find yourself paying much closer attention to your more intimate relationsh­ips. You work to find a balance between home and work life. You may be recognized in the work place for the management skills you are exhibiting and find yourself being offered a position in leadership, Aries. Good luck with your career today.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You are a dreamer. Currently the set of dreams that have had your focus are far from your norm. This is a strange feeling as these dreams are far from what normally motivates you. Do not let outside influences lead you in the wrong direction. If it does not feel right, do not to it. You could find yourself pouring energy and effort into something that has a negative effect on your life in the long run. Gather your thoughts, avoid acting in haste, and discuss this situation with someone whose opinion you value. You had much rather be safe than sorry.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Relationsh­ips are the key to your emotional satisfacti­on now. You find it very satisfying to surround yourself with all things beautiful. Harmony is what you desire in your life. You have zero tolerance for drama and crave peace. You found yourself only wanting to spend your time with those closest to you. This is a great time to pour your attention into your marriage or partnershi­p. You will find your relationsh­ip may prosper from the attention.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You may have a strong desire to get out and about. The social scene seems to be calling your name. A live band, a dance floor, and laughter seem to be what you are longing for. Choose your company wisely because the wrong choice could find you involved in confrontat­ion and your night ruined. You are defiantly marching to the beat of your own drum. Not everyone will appreciate this different side of you.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You hate to admit you may be obsessing over a problem, but. . . Your may feel as if your head is in the clouds. Foggy thoughts and scrambled ideas make everything seem as if you are living in a dream world. Do not get carried away focusing on a single problem. You can rest assured you have more than one to focus on. You are under a tremendous amount of mental pressure. Problems will not be solved today and to continue to dwell on this is nothing short of mental torture, Leo. Let it go.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You may find yourself booking a flight. You have a strong desire to spend time with someone special who seems to live far away. You may find spending time with this person will greatly benefit you. This may financiall­y beneficial as well as satisfying an emotional need. It seems you have friends from all walks of life. This is the time to surround yourself with the philosophi­cal or religious contacts. The advice and guidance you could receive from them is much needed now. This is a person who could play a big part in making great things happen in your life now.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Stay put and sit tight. This could be a time you could make some bad choices concerning your living situation. You may not feel the usual level of support from your friends. Decision making is not your strong point today. You may feel as if a night on the town will make things better. Choose your company carefully. A great time could go south quickly. Remember, not everyone has your best interest at heart. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer tonight.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You have set your focus on providing a strong foundation for your family life. You crave security and the one that will be by your side for a lifetime. You find yourself in a serious mood where deep conversati­on and planning will help to insure the stability you crave. You are serious about your future and who you want to spend it with. The seeds you plant today will develop the roots of the reward you seek. You are focused and determined to lead a healthy, happy life. You make your health a priority now, a gym membership, meal planning, or making plans to exercise as team, is where your focus is. This is great start to making your plans a reality. You know exactly what

you want, and you will make it happen.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You will make mistakes today. Fortunatel­y, you learn from your mistakes. A small setback will not diminish what you accomplish. You will dwell on the slip-ups just long enough to make sure they don’t happen again. Then you will focus on the good you have done. You will be applauded for your work.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, honest study of your place in life and how you got there is called for now. New approaches and goals regarding your immediate surroundin­gs look likely and will be for the best; could be either work or home. People ask for your opinion on a work project that isn’t yours. Your introspect­ive, laid back attitude is perfect for reading a meaningful book, checking out a movie suggested by a friend or perhaps a massage. Wealth and abundance are likely for you as you enter this new cycle. There could be some blockage on a minimal level from an unexpected source. Mind over matter works for you; success stays near you for now. Relax and enjoy the results of your hard work for yourself and others; your karma is good, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

This is a time you are basing your happiness on the success of your relationsh­ips. Harmony and beauty are deeply satisfying to you. The lack of these things in your life will leave you extremely unsatisfie­d and tense. You may be so focused on your marriage or lack there of you find yourself letting your work life suffer. A one-track mind seems to be where you are at. You may seem to need to work on finding a balance between work and home. You need one to have the other. A time of reflection may help you come to realize you need to put more focus on being at peace with yourself.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

It seems you have a greater appreciati­on for things of value. You could find this to be a time of great material gain for you. Being more materialis­tic than usual may be your minds way of rewarding you for all the hard work you do. As someone who always seems to put others first, there comes a time you have to remember to spoil and reward yourself. Even if you only spend small amounts, or take time for short trips, you need to remember to take care of yourself first. You don’t want to find yourself resenting others and feeling a sense of being used up.

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