Kuwait Times

Fatal crashes reveal plight of Italy’s African laborers

16 African migrants killed after day in fields


FOGGIA: Smears of blood and oil mark the spot on the road where a van full of migrant farm laborers slammed into an oncoming truck and somersault­ed across the tarmac on Aug 6, killing 12 of the men packed inside. Just 48 hours earlier, a near identical crash on a neighborin­g road killed four other African workers as they too returned home from a grueling day harvesting tomatoes in this sun-roasted corner of southern Italy.

The twin tragedies - so close together and with such a high death toll - have brought into focus the dire working and living conditions imposed on thousands of migrant farmhands whose cut-price labor allows Italy to be one of the biggest fruit and vegetable exporters in Europe. Ludovico Vaccaro, the magistrate investigat­ing the Aug. 6 deaths, says rampant exploitati­on of foreign laborers has gone largely unchecked for years. “They should rebel, but they are so poor they have to accept the unacceptab­le,” he told Reuters.

The multiple deaths have come at a time of rising anti-immigratio­n sentiment in Italy, with the newly installed government moving to halt the arrival of migrants to the country and promising mass deportatio­ns for those already here. Many of those toiling in the fields of Italy’s Puglia region have been here for years, no closer to integratin­g into local society than the day they arrived by boat from Libya. “I arrived in Italy on Aug. 26, 2013. I haven’t created any problem, I don’t have a criminal record, I didn’t come here for fun. I just want to work,” said Sutay Darboe, 42, from Senegal.

“Do Italians have any idea how we are treated? Do they even care?” he said, taking a precious day off work to travel round various hospital morgues looking for the body of a relative of his who died in the Aug 6 crash. Darboe, tall and thin, wearing pinkrimmed glasses, was a distant cousin of Alasanna Darboe, a 28year-old Gambian. They had worked together in the fields to make money to send home. “He was a good man. A pious man. He had a wife and two children. They don’t know he is dead yet.”


The other dead came from Nigeria, Mali, Guinea, Ghana and Morocco. There is no suspicion of foul play in the crash, but Vaccaro believes the men were victims of the so-called “caporalato” system which exploits farm workers across Italy. Rather than employing pickers directly and putting them on regular contracts, farmers turn to caporali, or gangmaster­s, who gather the laborers from various camps and ghettos that dot the countrysid­e and drive them to the fields in overcrowde­d vans.

These middlemen hand out the wages, keeping a handsome share for themselves, migrants say. Several workers said that although they had signed contracts that promised them more than 5 euros ($5.71) an hour, in the end they got between 3.0-3.5 euros. “You can earn about 35 euros a day, but you have to pay 5 euros for the transport,” said Njie, a 23-year-old Gambian who only gave his surname. “It is donkey work. White men check the plants and start yelling if just one tomato is left unpicked.” Puglia labor accords stipulate that employers must pay for transport and say workers should spend a maximum 39 hours a week in the fields for a minimum salary of around 50 euros a day.

Migrants say they put in much longer hours than that. They also have to bring their own food and water and are allowed only brief breaks even as temperatur­es soar to 40C (104 degrees F) on the bleak Puglia plains, which lie far from the tourist trail. Italy introduced a law in 2016 aimed at eliminatin­g the caporalato phenomenon, but it has had little apparent impact. The prosecutor Vaccaro blamed this failure on a lack of police, labor inspectors and magistrate­s to enforce the law, as well as limited cooperatio­n from the victims themselves. “In order not to lose the chance of work, however bad it may be, the migrants don’t talk,” he said.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who is head of the far-right League, said mafia groups controlled much of the farm labor system in the region. Farmers’ associatio­ns claim that many laborers are employed legally, but, in a tacit acknowledg­ment that pay is kept to a minimum, they also accuse major retailers of imposing low prices for their tomatoes and squashing margins. “Prices of (canned) tomatoes have remained virtually unchanged since 1985, while the cost of production has risen,” said Gianni Cantele, head of the farmers’ group Coldiretti in Puglia. “When you buy a bottle of tomato pulp you pay more for the bottle than you do for the contents.”

Red gold

Coldiretti says 345,000 foreigners from 157 countries work in agricultur­e, helping to harvest every fruit and vegetable grown here, from oranges to apples, from grapes to olives. But tomato is the predominan­t crop and is known locally as “red gold”. The World Processing Tomato Council says Italy will overtake China this year to become the world’s second largest producer of processed tomatoes after the United States. The export of tomatoes generated 1.6 billion euros in 2017. —Reuters

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 ?? —AFP ?? FOGGIA: Migrant workers take part in a march in Foggia, held in the aftermath of the death of 16 migrant workers in two road accidents.
—AFP FOGGIA: Migrant workers take part in a march in Foggia, held in the aftermath of the death of 16 migrant workers in two road accidents.
 ??  ?? Migrants exploited, offered little chance to integrate
Migrants exploited, offered little chance to integrate

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