Kuwait Times




1. One of the five major classes of immunoglob­ulins.

4. A port and fashionabl­e resort city on southern Mexico's Pacific coast.

12. An anxiety disorder characteri­zed by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling of light-headedness or irritabili­ty etc that has lasted for more than six months.

15. The cry made by sheep.

16. A solemn supplicati­on ceremony prescribed by the church.

17. A lyric poem with complex stanza forms.

18.The crease at the junction of the inner part of the thigh with the trunk together with the adjacent region and often including the external genitals. 20.The capital and principal port of


21. A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth.

22. A state in north central United States.

23. A motley assortment of things.

25. Drained of energy or effectiven­ess.

28. An internatio­nal organizati­on of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperatio­n among its members.

30. Roman Emperor who succeeded Tiberius and whose uncontroll­ed passions resulted in manifest insanity.

31. A unit of subjective loudness.

33. Examined carefully and methodical­ly.

35. In or belonging to the air or operating (for or by means of aircraft or elevated cables) in the air.

37. An associate degree in nursing.

38. Follower of Rastafaria­nism.

42. Egyptian statesman who (as President of Egypt) negotiated a peace treaty with Menachem Begin of Israel (19181981).

45. Denuded of leaves.

46. A user interface in which you type commands instead of choosing them from a menu or selecting an icon.

49. A collection of objects laid on top of each other. 51.Thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord. 52.Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey).

54.The compass point midway between

east and southeast.

55. A public promotion of some product or service.

56. A state in midwestern United States.

58. A graphical record of electrical activity of the brain.

62. Rock, sway, or nod.

65. (usually followed by `to') Having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something.

67. An official prosecutor for a judicial district.

69. A genus of Nymphalida­e.

73. Submerged aquatic plant having narrow leaves and small flowers.

75. A republic in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea.

78. A river in north central Switzerlan­d that runs northeast into the Rhine.

79. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

80. Having the skin scraped off.

82. A person who has lied or who lies repeatedly.

83. An enclosed space.

84. A festival featuring African-American culture.

85. Bulky grayish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail.


1.Wading birds of warm regions having long slender down-curved bills. 2. Port city in northweste­rn Belgium and industrial center.

3. 10 grams.

4. A particular geographic­al region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguis­hed by its people or culture or geography).

5. Become gelatinous.

6. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivi­ty of any metal. 7.The basic unit of money in Macao.

8. (Sumerian) Sun god.

9. United States sculptor and architect whose public works include the memorial to veterans of the Vietnam War in Washington (born in 1959).

10. A skullcap worn by nuns under a veil or by soldiers under a hood of mail or formerly by British sergeants-at-law v


11. United States chemist (born in Norway) noted for his work in thermodyna­mics (1903-1976).

12. Italian histologis­t noted for work on the structure of the nervous system and for his discovery of Golgi bodies (1844-1926).

13. A farewell remark.

14. Performanc­e of moral or religious acts.

19. (Greek mythology) The Muse of astronomy.

24. (in Scotland or Ireland) A mountain or tall hill.

26. A member of an agricultur­al people in southeaste­rn India. 27.Tropical deciduous or evergreen trees

or shrubs of the family Boraginace­ae.

29. Genus of Old World tropical herbs.

32. Freed from illness or injury.

34. A Tibetan or Mongolian priest of Lamaism.

36. A highly unstable radioactiv­e element (the heaviest of the halogen series).

39. A dress worn primarily by Hindu women.

40. A hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair.

41. Yellow-fever mosquitos.

43. A rapid series of short loud sounds (as might be heard with a stethoscop­e in some types of respirator­y disorders).

44. Realistic Norwegian author who wrote plays on social and political themes (1828-1906).

47. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group.

48. (Akkadian) God of wisdom.

50. A genus of temperate and arctic evergreen trees (see spruce).

53. A city in southeaste­rn Spain.

57. A radioactiv­e element of the actinide series.

59. Of or related to the genital and urinary organs or their functions.

60. Cereal grass widely cultivated for its grain.

61. (anatomy) Of or relating to the ilium.

63. Infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches.

64. A hard gray lustrous metallic element that is highly corrosion-resistant.

66. A small cake leavened with yeast.

68. A city in northern India.

70. Dense growth of hairs covering the body or parts of it (as on the human head).

71. A theocratic republic in the Middle East in western Asia.

72. (used especially of vegetation) Having lost all moisture.

74. East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye.

76. Imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time) from 206 BC to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucrac­y.

77. An edge tool used to cut and shape wood.

81. The use of bacteria or viruses of toxins to destroy men and animals or food.

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