Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

It may seem you are the center of attention. Today could find you in the limelight. Your superiors at work seem to be paying close attention. Your job has become something you find great pleasure in and you actually enjoy going to work. Your peers seem to find great value in your ability to make practical decisions and admire you for your work ethic. You are able to clearly see what others want and need and seem to be in the right place at the right time to provide this for them. That brings much admiration your way. You may find you are looked at as a role model for many. You seem to have the ability to make clear decisions and will find this to be an extremely productive day.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You seem to be able to enjoy and value where you are at this point in your life. Great value is also placed on the person you have become. You love you. Your heart is filled with kindness. You may find yourself wanting to do something extra special for someone you love today. Do not be surprised if you receive several compliment­s on your style or actions throughout this day. It seems you will feel great support from your peers. Your happiness is contagious and others will be drawn towards this. Keep being you, Taurus. Others appreciate the friend you have become.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Hungry for knowledge would be a great way to describe you today. Spending time with family and neighbors is a good way to spend some of your time this evening. A long visit on the porch with a cold beverage and long talks will bring peace your way and satisfy a craving for you. Your feelings and the feelings of those close to you become very important right now. This is a time you may find yourself extremely sensitive. You are very understand­ing of others. Being more involved with family is very rewarding to you now. This is a peaceful time in your world.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Dream on dreamer. You may find yourself lost in a dreamy mood and your mind may be far away from the day to day realities. This may catch your friends off guard and they may not appreciate this side of you. It seems as if the nature of time is starting to catch your attention now. You realize life is passing by and time is slipping away. It seems as if when you are older time seems to fly by faster with each passing year. You learn to appreciate each day and look at each day as a blessing. You are happy and thankful to be alive and plan on living it to the fullest.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

What may come easy isn’t always the right thing. You may find career decisions that point in the direction of true success may go against your sense of values. This is a road to success you just are not willing to take. If making it to the top means traveling this path then you will choose to take a detour. You have a choice to continue to ignore your responsibi­lities at home and push on towards career success, or focus on your family and do the right thing. Ask yourself who is going to be there in the long run, Leo? Follow your heart.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Make time for a loved one today. This doesn’t have to take hours of time or big-time spending. Write a note. Make a phone call. Take a single longstem flower. Don’t scoff at double consequenc­es. You may find your thoughtful­ness enriches your life as much as theirs, Virgo. Sometimes the smallest of gestures mean the most to others.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A day of laughter and fun is on the menu today. This will be served with love and admiration from your family. All is well in your world. You are most comfortabl­e and pleased when all lines of communicat­ion are open. The days you feel like everyone around you really gets you and understand­s you with ease are the days you enjoy the most. Your mind may be in overdrive as your analytical abilities are at their peak. Not only are the ideas flowing, everyone you encounter is extremely receptive to what you have to say. You may be sought out for advice today and will be greatly admired for your intelligen­ce. When it comes to management choosing the right person for a new project, don’t be surprised if all eyes are on you.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You may feel as if you know what is about to happen before it does. You seem to be in touch with a highly sensitive side. Call it intuition or psychic ability, the truth is you totally can see the future. You are able to see and sense things others can not. This may cause others to take a step back from you. People seem to be uncomforta­ble when faced with the unexplaina­ble. This may not be a very practical time for you. You seem to focus heavily on your home and family life now, Scorpio. This may be just where your attention needs to be.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

You may be feeling a need for change. A deep desire for emotional security takes hold now and you feel your most content when surrounded by family and those closest to you. Relationsh­ips are a priority in your world now. You feel as if things in your life are monotonous and you are ready to spice things up. This may mean a shiny new car purchase, a vacation, or simply surroundin­g yourself with a new group of friends. Any direction you choose, this will be a time of excitement and give you a fresh start and a more focused outlook. We all need a bit of change from time to time. Keep life interestin­g and exciting.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

If you could choose a super power today it would be the ability to make yourself invisible. Enough is enough. When you are strong and independen­t with a kind heart, it seems like the weak and needy seem to be drawn to you. There are times when you need to learn to say no. Today is one of those days. You may find hiding in a dark movie theater would be a great escape for you today. Go to the movies, or curl up with a book. Just take some time to relax and rejuvenate.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

You are determined and focused on making good impression­s and putting your best foot forward. This is what is extremely important to you now. Your appearance and style have suddenly become important to you. You are successful, and you want to present yourself as such. You desire others take notice of your success and how far you have come in life. You may find pleasure in spending time out and about. Taking in a play or enjoying another form of the arts may be just where your time spent would be most enjoyed.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

It is time to play things safe and conservati­ve now. The responsibl­e approach is your best bet. Expect the unexpected and planning for the worst, will prevent you from being caught off-guard. This is a time tighten your belt and set your mind to the task at hand. Stay focused or you may find you could face set backs. You may turn to someone older, you look to as a mentor. This person will help lead you in the right direction. This is a time you have a very serious outlook on life. Situations may require you to have this attitude.

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