Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may find this to be one of those days you are in true admiration of the beauty that surrounds you. You may see beauty in everything and everyone you encounter today. This brings a sense of peace and harmony into your world and you may find this to be a delightful day. Be careful not to overspend today because this mood tends to make you want to bring home every beautiful treasure you find. Not the best day for a trip to the mall. You will want everything you see! Take a stroll in the park and enjoy the beauty of the nature that surrounds you. This will keep your money in your wallet and a sense of peace in your heart.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

After much thought and reflection you may come to realize how much you truly appreciate where you are in life. Through many challengin­g situations, and past you may not be very proud of, you have successful­ly been able to turn the stumbling blocks you have encountere­d into stepping stones. Seeing others go through some of the same hard times you have draws you to them and gives you a desire to reach out and help. You may feel especially kind to a close friend in need. This is a person you are led to take under your wing. You may find this person looks up to you. Your kind words will have more of an impact than you can ever imagine.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It may seem if your sexual needs are coming to mind quite frequently. You crave power and control. The great mysteries of life and death seem are subjects you find intriguing. This is a time you long to mend fences and let by gones be by gones. This is a time you crave peace and lasting friendship­s.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It you could snap your fingers and disappear that is just what you would do today. You need an escape from reality. Always being responsibl­e is starting to wear you down. You work hard and never take any time for yourself. A massage, a good book, even a night out at a quiet restaurant would be a welcome break for you. You work hard and need to always remember to take a break. Take to reward yourself for all you do. You will find spoiling yourself a little will help you be much more productive in the long run.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You have always had that strong shoulder that others seem to lean on. Today is no exception. You may find your phone ringing off of the hook with friends in need. Your advice is in high demand. The level of respect your friends have for you is to be envied. You are the friend others wish to have. Being the one everyone turns to in their time of need can be exhausting. Who is there when you need a friend to confide in? You may find someone older or in authority can offer you the support you need today.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Variety is the spice of life. This seems to be your motto at this time. You may find yourself drawn in different directions or drawn to new experience­s. You can’t seem to sit still. You are finding you are happiest when on the go. You have a desire for knowledge and you are gathering it from all new experience­s. You may find others being drawn to you and expressing admiration toward your desire for knowledge and for the wisdom you possess. This day could bring a variety of emotions as well. You may go from feeling on top of the world to feeling misunderst­ood. Remember, Virgo, this day is about your pursuit knowledge and it is ok to do just what makes you happy.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A desire for the unusual seems to overcome you today. A desire to broaden your horizons and experience more of what this world has to offer you. The in and outs of your regular world seem to have you bored and unsatisfie­d. Planning a trip or planning an outing with friends will satisfy your needs. Spend time with friends from different cultures and religions. A new outlook on the same day to day issues will be enlighteni­ng. Your eccentric ways could bring a new outlook into their lives as well. Spend some time learning to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

It seems the more independen­t you become the more you face conflict with those close to you. This is a time you may be trying too hard to be different. This could be met with disapprova­l from your peers. Not everyone is fond of the changes they see you making. This could cause a great deal of pressure in your life. You well know when making decisions under pressure you seem to freeze and never seem to do the right thing. Take your time. Relax and wait until some of the stress passes. Save the decision making for later. These issues are not matters of life and death.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Communicat­ion is important. When it is put in writing, what you thought was a compliment could be interprete­d as criticism. Something you thought was completely innocent or innocuous may be seen as derogatory. Misunderst­andings that are in writing are difficult to overcome. They can result in a lifetime of hard feelings. Be thoughtful about what you put on social media. Consider the possible reactions before you send a text, a tweet, or an email.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

This may be a great day to enjoy a good book or catch a movie. An escape from reality may be just what you need . This could clear your mind and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenate­d. You feel your most secure when surrounded by friends. You may be feeling a real need for a change in your life. You may feel as if you want to throw out the old and bring in the new. You have had this on your mind for a while and today seems the day you really begin to act on it. It seems a change in the right direction may bring great reward into your life.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Sexual needs seem to be a major focus for you now. There are just some things and some one you can not seem to get off of your mind. This is a great desire for some special time to be spent with a special someone. You desire power and control. These thoughts have your mind racing and you start focusing on a plan to accomplish your goals and satisfy your desires. The great mysteries of life and death fascinate you and you have a desire to live each day to the fullest. You may appear to be at ease and loose today. Everything seems to be working together, and you will be able to communicat­e and express yourself well.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

This is day you may feel as if you are spinning your wheels. It seems to be a very superficia­l day for you. Everything and everyone seems fake to you. It seems as if you are going through the motions, it is a very repetitive and senseless day for you. You find no depth nor meaning in your actions nor the ones around you. You can not seem to get beneath the surface. It may seem as if your feelings are going against what you value. You could find this difficult for you to deal with.

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