Kuwait Times



A CROSS 1.Thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord.

4.(of movement) A t an angle.

12 .(computer science) A computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access informatio­n of general interest. 15.(British) A waterproof raincoat made of

rubberized fabric. 16.Tarpons and ladyfishes.

17.A former agency (from 1946 to 1974) that was responsibl­e for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States.

18.A benevolent aspect of Devi. 19.Not absolute or complete.

2 0.The cry made by sheep.

2 1.Small genus of east A frican herbs.

2 3.A band worn around or over the head. 2 5.A n informal term for a father.

2 6.The way in which someone or something

is composed.

2 8.Resonance of protons to radiation in a

magnetic field.

2 9.A unit of weight used in some Spanish

speaking countries. 34.Deciduous dioecious Chinese tree having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellow seeds.

39.Title for a civil or military leader (espe

cially in Turkey).

40.A n Indian side dish of yogurt and

chopped cucumbers and spices. 44. Goddess of the dead and queen of the


45.A caustic substance (Ca(OH )2 ) produced

by heating limestone. 47.(Welsh myth) The other world. 49.United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts

or 3.785 liters.

50. Advanced in years.

51.A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic


54.Mild form of diabetes mellitus that devel

ops gradually in adults.

58.A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivi­ty of any metal. 59.A midwestern state in north central

United States in the G reat Lakes region. 60.A n embroidere­d rug made from a coarse

Indian felt.

63.A compartmen­t in front of a motor vehi

cle where driver sits.

66.A law passed by US Congress to prevent employees from being injured or contractin­g diseases in the course of their employment.

69.A mask with a filter protects the face an

lungs against poisonous gases.

72 .(Old Testament) In Judeo-Christian


74.The Bantu language of the Buganda peo


76.A ircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar. 77.A collection of facts from which conclu

sions may be drawn.

78.A habitual liar (after a New Testament character who was struck dead for lying).

79.A barrier constructe­d to contain the flow

or water or to keep out the sea. 80.Mild yellow Dutch cheese made in balls. 81.A n actor's portrayal of someone in a play. 82 .A loose sleeveless outer garment made

from aba cloth.


1.A doctor's degree in musical arts. 2 .(folklore) A corpse that rises at night to

drink the blood of the living.

3.A burn cause by hot liquid or steam. 4.A member of a Slavic people who settled in Serbia and neighborin­g areas in the 6th and 7th centuries.

5.The part of the small intestine between the

jejunum and the cecum.

6.A hussar's jacket worn over the shoulders. 7.A federal agency establishe­d to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environmen­t. 8.Wither,esp.with a loss of moisture.

9.A farewell remark.

10.A member of a North A merican Indian

people of central A rizona.

11.A small hard fruit.

12 .A small cake leavened with yeast. 13.A ny of various edible seeds of plants of

the family Leguminosa­e.

14.A ny of a number of fishes of the family


2 2 .Noisy talk.

2 4.A borough in Scotland.

2 7.A metric unit of length equal to 1000

meters (or 0.62 1371 miles).

30.A radioactiv­e gaseous element formed by

the disintegra­tion of radium. 31.The ending of a series or sequence. 32 .When dried yields a hard substance used

e.g.in golf balls. 33.(electronic­s) Of a circuit or device having an output that is proportion­al to the input.

35.A ny of a group of heavenly spirits under

the god A nu.

36.G iven or having a specified name. 37.Toward the mouth or oral region. 38.(of light) Lacking in intensity or bright


41.A n associate degree in nursing. 42 .English prelate noted for his pessimisti­c

sermons and articles (1860-1954). 43.Two items of the same kind. 46.Edible starchy tuberous root of taro


48.A soft silvery metallic element of the

alkali earth group.

52 .The ninth month of the Moslem calendar. 53.A signal transmitte­d along a narrow path. 55.A unit of conductanc­e equal to the recip

rocal of an ohm.

56.Tropical A merican feather palm whose large nuts yield valuable oil and a kind of vegetable ivory.

57.A building where prostitute­s are avail


61.Small shrubby A frican tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers.

62 .(Irish) Chief god of the Tuatha De

Danann. 64.(Babylonian) G od of storms and wind. 65.A Chadic language spoken south of Lake


67.A blow from a flat object (as an open


68.A ny culture medium that uses agar as the

gelling agent.

70.Someone who works (or provides work

ers) during a strike.

71.G od of love and erotic desire.

73.A member of a Mayan people of south

western G uatemala.

75.The part of the nervous system of vertebrate­s that controls involuntar­y actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands.

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