Kuwait Times

Virus crisis piles pressure on Africa media


LAGOS: Collapsing revenues, rising layoffs: the coronaviru­s crisis is battering media outlets across Africa that were already struggling for cash and often facing pressure from hostile authoritie­s.

The news of cutbacks was sudden and painful for journalist­s at two of Nigeria’s most popular independen­t newspapers when bosses from The Punch and Vanguard made their announceme­nts last month. “It was a rude shock for me because I didn’t do anything wrong to warrant such treatment,” one Punch veteran told AFP, asking not to be named as he was still owed a “token” payoff.

The redundanci­es were just the latest to hit Nigeria’s press—one of the most vibrant on the continent—as the economic fallout from the pandemic has sent sales and advertisin­g income plunging. “What is happening in Nigeria is not peculiar to us. The whole world is feeling the impact,” said Qasim Akinreti, the chairman of the Lagos Union of Journalist­s. “For us in the Nigerian media, the story is the same—we have lost hundreds of jobs in the past four months.”

Calls for state aid

In Kenya some media houses slashed wages by up to half, in Uganda a leading weekly halted printing, and in Namibia hours have been reduced and redundancy schemes fast-tracked. The speed and severity of the current crunch has sparked calls for government bailouts—with private papers in Cameroon even holding a “dead press” day to denounce a lack of action.

Authoritie­s in some countries have heeded the pleas for help. Kenya’s national regulator on Friday unveiled what it called a “historic” fund worth just under $1 million to help some 150 broadcaste­rs weather the storm.

“This challenge of COVID-19 has squeezed life from television and radio stations,” said David Omwoyo, the head of the Media Council of Kenya.

Officials from Nigeria’s journalist union said it had appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to provide emergency aid to distressed media. But there are fears that state aid would only increase political interferen­ce in sectors around Africa that are already often dominated by powerful vested interests. “The government has been harassing the media. Several journalist­s are facing trials for frivolous offences,” University of Lagos lecturer Olubunmi Ajibade said of the situation in Nigeria. “Collecting bailout funds from government at this time will compromise their independen­ce and freedom.”

‘Disseminat­e propaganda’

Just as the spread of the virus has caused revenues to dwindle, it has also posed unpreceden­ted logistical challenges to media outlets. While the official figures—more than 170,000 infections and 4,700 deaths across the continent—have risen slower than elsewhere on the planet, government­s have still imposed tough restrictio­ns. Lockdowns have hampered reporting, social distancing has forced journalist­s to work remotely with poor internet or electricit­y supplies, and protective equipment has added new costs.

On the streets there have been reports of security forces harassing journalist­s trying to do their work.

In Ghana—one of West Africa’s most open democracie­s—soldiers enforcing virus restrictio­ns “assaulted” two reporters in April, the Committee to Protect Journalist­s said.

A raft of countries including South Africa have introduced legislatio­n criminaliz­ing the spreading of disinforma­tion about the pandemic. Authoritie­s insist the measures are needed to tackle a flood of dangerous falsehoods surroundin­g the virus.

But media profession­als say journalist­s are already trying to do the job of combatting “fake news”—and such laws could be used to muzzle them.

 ??  ?? LAGOS: The coronaviru­s crisis is battering media outlets across Africa that were already struggling for cash and often facing pressure from hostile authoritie­s.
LAGOS: The coronaviru­s crisis is battering media outlets across Africa that were already struggling for cash and often facing pressure from hostile authoritie­s.

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