Kuwait Times

Eve ‘trashed’ by activists over ‘difficult conversati­ons’ with her husband


Eve was “trashed” by activists who questioned her comments about having “difficult conversati­ons” with her husband amidst the Black Lives Matter movement. The 41-year-old rapper admitted she had tough chats with her husband Maximillio­n Cooper as he tries to “understand” how she feels and asks questions to educate himself, following the murder of an unarmed black man, George Floyd. Speaking in a preview clip from The Talk@Home, she said: “I got some backlash just recently when I spoke out about myself. Me being in an interracia­l relationsh­ip and saying that ‘I’m having some of the most difficult conversati­ons that we’ve ever had.’ ”And some people lit up the comments and trashed me and were questionin­g whether this was the first time I had had these conversati­ons. And I want to be very clear. We have had many conversati­ons because I’ve been in this relationsh­ip for many years. When you enter an interracia­l relationsh­ip, there are conversati­ons you must have - that’s just natural. So this is not the first one. I’ve been having some of the most difficult conversati­ons because we are in one of the most difficult places in our nation, in our world, in this time, so that’s why I said that it was difficult.” Eve had previously admitted she was having “the most difficult and uncomforta­ble conversati­ons” with her husband. She said: “I am having some of the most difficult and uncomforta­ble conversati­ons I think I’ve ever had, and vice versa with my husband. But, at the same time, it’s a beautiful thing, because ... I don’t know his life through his eyes. He doesn’t know my life through my eyes. All he can do is try to understand and try to ask the questions, and he wants to understand, and that’s what the nation that’s what the world - has to do. It’s gonna be uncomforta­ble. Yeah, it’s going to be uncomforta­ble! But we have to be OK with being uncomforta­ble so that we can get to a solution.”

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