Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Some deeply buried feelings about your mother and family could come up from the past today and need release. Don't be afraid to show your pain and anger. If you're embarrasse­d to do it around others, Aries, stay home and deal with it. This is a positive developmen­t. By the end of the day you might feel as if a large weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Group activities in your neighborho­od could lead to positive changes in your community. You will enjoy exchanging ideas and informatio­n with others, Taurus, and could come away from these activities feeling exhilarate­d. It might be a good idea to walk home, or perhaps go for coffee or a movie afterward. If you let the ideas buzz until bedtime, you might not be able to sleep.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today you might find yourself in the public eye. Acknowledg­ment for work well done could come your way. It might also involve an increase in income. This could be job related or simply a community project that you've been working on and accomplish­ed successful­ly. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Gemini, even though you might find it a bit disconcert­ing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Expanding your horizons is the key for today, Cancer. Communicat­ions received from distant states or foreign lands could have you entertaini­ng the idea of traveling to those places. Learning is very much on your mind. You're probably curious about different cultures, ideas, and perspectiv­es. Even though you might not make definite plans for travel now, you're apt to at least consider it.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Some very intense dreams could take you back to the past, perhaps your childhood or past lives. Write down any dreams you remember, Leo. They might not make sense to you now, but if you go back and analyze them later, you're likely to find that they reveal a lot about you that you weren't previously aware of. They might even inspire new projects of some kind. Think about them carefully.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

An old friend you haven't seen for a while could suddenly reappear, and you might view this person in a different light as a potential business partner, source of inspiratio­n, or even a romantic possibilit­y. If this is your inclinatio­n, Virgo, don't write it off without giving it some careful considerat­ion. Partnershi­ps formed today are likely to lead to success.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You're a service-oriented person by nature, Libra, and today the opportunit­y to spend time serving those in need could well present itself. This could be in a profession­al capacity or helping someone close who's having troubles of some kind. This particular situation won't last long, but it's likely to change your life in a positive way. Don't resist. Go with the flow.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

If you've been hoping for a lucky break, Scorpio, this is the day it might come, especially if it involves love and romance. Or you might have been hoping for acknowledg­ment on the job, in the field of education, or by someone who means a lot to you. Whatever breaks come your way are likely to move you emotionall­y. You won't be the same. Have a great day.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Changes in your home could take place now. These are positive, Sagittariu­s, though they might seem a bit overwhelmi­ng. Some could even be described as upheavals. Perhaps someone moves in or out. It could even involve moving to a new place, redecorati­ng, refurbishi­ng, or perhaps adopting a pet. At the very least, expect some emotional changes within yourself.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Some great news could change your life forever. It might involve a new partnershi­p of some kind or opportunit­ies in your community. At the least, Capricorn, it could involve changes in your outlook and attitudes about life. You could spend a lot of time on the phone with friends and acquaintan­ces. You will probably want to schedule a romantic evening with your partner.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Some changes regarding your career could make a difference in your resources. This could involve a pending raise or promotion or opportunit­ies for freelance work outside the job. It might imply a new job, perhaps in a creative field. Whatever work you do is likely to seem more emotionall­y rewarding than it has been, Aquarius. This should boost your spirits considerab­ly.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Today you're likely to feel especially romantic and sexy, and anxious to get together with a love partner. This doesn't mean you aren't in the mood for socializin­g in general. In fact, you may look forward to meeting with friends. You should be feeling especially creative, and you could spend a lot of your day either planning or working on projects.

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