Kuwait Times

Malaga Picasso Museum reorders works in new exhibition


The Picasso Museum in Malaga, the southern Spanish city where the artist was born, will open a new exhibition on Tuesday which groups his works according to theme instead of by period. The show - which runs until March 2027 - brings together 141 Pablo Picasso works that the artist kept for himself, including 10 which were never before seen in Spain.

“We have not followed chronology strictly. We do begin with the very early work of Picasso and we end with the last work that he created but within that we often are combining works from different decades,” said the curator of the exhibition, Michael FitzGerald, a professor of art history at Trinity College in the United States. “It is a group of works, paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints that represents the entire production of Picasso I hope very accurately. and we particular­ly emphasized ceramics among them which is a SDUW RI 3LFDVVR·V ZRUN WKDW LV RIWHQ QRW shown and not perhaps taken as seriously as it should.”

Museums have traditiona­lly displayed works by Picasso grouped according to his key periods, from blue, SLQN DQG FXELVW WR VXUUHDOLVW 3LFDVVR·V great-grandson, Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, said combining works of distinct periods and techniques “allow us to link different moments of his life”.

Among the works never exhibited before in Spain is a 1922 painting called “Paul” which depicts the artLVW·V VRQ DV ZHOO DV WKH VFXOSWXUH ´)HPPH DFFRXGpHµ DQG D GLVK GHFRUDWHG ZLWK D EXOO·V KHDG IURP WKH

V 2SHQHG LQ LQ D WK FHQWXU\ PDQVLRQ 0DODJD·V 3LFDVVR 0XVHum is located just a couple of hundred PHWHUV \DUGV IURP WKH KRXVH ZKHUH the artist was born in 1881.

Picasso left for Paris in 1904 and most of his adult years were spent in )UDQFH ZKHUH KH GLHG LQ 7KH 3Lcasso Museum in the French capital KRXVHV WKH ZRUOG·V ELJJHVW FROOHFWLRQ RI WKH DUWLVW·V ZRUNV ³ $)3

 ?? ?? Women look at an oil and charcoal painting entitled ‘Woman with Arms *YVZZLK» 7HYPZ K\YPUN [OL VMÄJPHS \U]LPSPUN VM º7HISV 7PJHZZV! Z[Y\J[\YLZ VM PU]LU[PVU [OL \UP[` VM H SPML»Z ^VYR» L_OPIP[PVU PU 4HSHNH»Z Picasso museum. — AFP photos
Women look at an oil and charcoal painting entitled ‘Woman with Arms *YVZZLK» 7HYPZ K\YPUN [OL VMÄJPHS \U]LPSPUN VM º7HISV 7PJHZZV! Z[Y\J[\YLZ VM PU]LU[PVU [OL \UP[` VM H SPML»Z ^VYR» L_OPIP[PVU PU 4HSHNH»Z Picasso museum. — AFP photos
 ?? ?? ( ]PZP[VY ^HSRZ WHZ[ HU VPS VU ^VVK painting entitled ‘Fernande with Mantilla’ (Gosol, 1906).
( ]PZP[VY ^HSRZ WHZ[ HU VPS VU ^VVK painting entitled ‘Fernande with Mantilla’ (Gosol, 1906).
 ?? ?? ( ]PZP[VY SVVRZ H[ H WHPU[PUN LU[P[SLK º4V[OLY and child’ (Paris, 1921).
( ]PZP[VY SVVRZ H[ H WHPU[PUN LU[P[SLK º4V[OLY and child’ (Paris, 1921).
 ?? ?? Visitors look at an oil painting entitled ‘Paul VU H KVURL`» 7HYPZ
Visitors look at an oil painting entitled ‘Paul VU H KVURL`» 7HYPZ

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