Kuwait Times

Global music biz sees 10.2% growth in 2023: Industry


Global music revenues were up 10.2 percent last year to $28.6 bilOLRQ DFFRUGLQJ ÀJXUHV UHOHDVHG EXW UHFRUG ÀUPV DUH FRQFHUQHG RYHU KRZ to maintain growth in the streaming era. The biggest artist in the world was -- no surprise -- Taylor Swift, according to the annual report by Internatio­nal Federation of the Phonograph­ic Industry, which represents global record companies.

Swift was followed closely by two Korean bands, Seventeen and Stray .LGV UHÁHFWLQJ WKH LQFUHDVLQJ VSUHDG RI K-Pop. The biggest singles in the world were “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus, the only song to surpass 2 billion streams (2.7 bn), followed by “Calm Down” by Rema and Selena Gomez (1.89 bn) and “Kill Bill” by Sza (1.84 bn).

The music industry grew for the ninth consecutiv­e year, thanks largely to the continued growth of streaming (up 11.2 percent), which now accounts for more than two-thirds (67.3 percent) of global revenues. Paid streaming subscripti­ons VRDUHG SDVW PLOOLRQ IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH to reach 667 million.

Physical formats -- particular­ly vinyl -- also saw growth, with sales up 13.4 SHUFHQW ´7KH ÀJXUHV LQ WKLV \HDU·V UHSRUW UHÁHFW D WUXO\ JOREDO DQG GLYHUVH LQGXVWU\ with revenues growing in every market, every region and across virtually every recorded music format,” said John NoODQ ,)3,·V FKLHI ÀQDQFLDO RIÀFHU

The fastest-growing regions were Sub-Saharan Africa (up 24.7 percent) and Latin America (19.4 percent), thanks to the spread of streaming and the rise of local stars like Burna Boy, Asake, J Balvin and Bad Bunny. The biggest music markets remained the United States, Japan and Britain.


The industry has several key concerns, however, particular­ly as young people spend increasing time on TikTok and games. “The worst ad-supported, short-clip video platforms have no chance of leading to paid subscripti­ons and are becoming the primary consumptio­n platforms for many young consumers,” said Dennis Kooker, of Sony Music, DW D SUHVV FRQIHUHQFH WR ODXQFK ,)3,·V report.

Universal Music Group recently yanked its music off TikTok in a feud RYHU WKH DSS·V DSSURDFK WR $, JHQHUDWHG music and song royalties. Kooker sugJHVWHG UHFRUG ÀUPV ZHUH LQFUHDVLQJ­O\ focused on superfans. “Those who want more, and are willing to pay more, need SURGXFWV WKDW DUH VSHFLÀFDOO\ GHVLJQHG for them,” he said.—AFP

 ?? ?? Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

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