Taste & Flavors

Edible Flowers That taste as good

a little whimsy. Some are spicy, and some herbaceous, while others

- Marc Beyrouthy owner of Nature by Marc Beyrouthy Store, became an ethnobotan­ist, hoping to contribute to the protection of the Lebanese rich traditiona­l knowledge of plants. Marc is also the host of the weekly ecological TV show «Nature».


With a fairly neutral taste, pansies can be added to main dishes and salads. It is also used to decorate different desserts such as creams, compotes and ice cream.


Raw, the petals taste rather neutral, soft and discreet, and are used to flavor salads, omelets or even cottage cheese. Referred to as the “saffron of the poor”, the flower also helps to color several dishes. It is used to prepare a creamy yellow food coloring, mainly used with butter.


The flowers of the violet can be added to salads. They are also used to make syrups and jelly. Crystalliz­ed, they are used in decorating cakes and many desserts. Hidden virtues: The leaves of the violet are distilled and used in perfumery, especially for the creation of fragrances with aphrodisia­c power.


The flowers of zucchini are eaten stuffed or fried immediatel­y after picking, as they fade quickly. Beforehand, it is advisable to gently wash them and remove the pistil. TIP: you have to wait till they are golden brown.


The hollyhock can be added to salads, taking into account its mucilagino­us texture. The flowers of the hollyhock beautifull­y decorate all kinds of dishes and are served as a natural coloring syrup. TIP: Young leaves, flowers and fruits before maturity are edible raw or candied.


They are used in cooked dishes, mixed salads or as decoration for pastries.


The leaves and flowers of the Nasturtium can be added raw to salads and sauces. The colorful and decorative flowers are used in almost any kind of dishes, from salads to soups, to poultry, fish, meat, pastries and even drinks. Finely cut, the petals and leaves blend perfectly with the cheese and butter presented in the form of canapés as an aperitif. TIP: Confected in vinegar, flower buds and green fruits of the nasturtium can substitute as capers.


The red petals of the poppy are a wonderful addition to a fresh salad and its seeds are used in pastry or bakery, to make flavored breads. They can also be added to a salad to enhance it. HIDDEN VIRTUES it facilitate­s sleep, calms coughing and irritation of the throat.

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