Harper’s Bazaar (Malaysia)





Oh yes, you read right. Fat is back on the menu and we’re not just talking oily fish, nuts, and avocado. We’re talking egg yolks, butter, and dripping. Saturated fats are important, too. It’s not about the type; more about quality and provenance. Try to go for naturally produced fat from naturally fed, naturally reared animals, fat that is unrefined and organic. . . . DIGITAL DETOX? Every night, we turn off our phones and laptops, and keep our bedrooms tech-free. . . . ENJOY LUNCH AWAY FROM YOUR DESK? Forget ‘Al Desko’. Get outside to catch some much-needed vitamin D, look up at the sky, and smile for instant feel-good vibes. Get away from the screen, stretch your legs, and take in a change of scenery. Give yourself time to enjoy nourishing your body. Savour that flavour! . . . INDULGE IN A COCONUT- OIL HAIR TREATMENT? Organic, natural, chemical-free, and extremely affordable. Massage into hair from scalp to ends, leave for at least 30 minutes, and shampoo. . . . HAVE A SUNDAY COOK- OFF? Get ahead on the week and batch-cook meals. Then, freeze to ensure you have good, home-cooked food stocked up and ready to go. . . . MAKE SOME BONE BROTH? This easy, frugal dish is one of the world’s oldest foods. Tasty and soothing, it’s our not-so-secret superfood and the secret to great digestion and beautiful skin. . . . STOP COUNTING CALORIES AND START COUNTING CHEMICALS? Focus on real, whole foods prepared properly – free from pesticides, chemicals, and added hormones. . . . LEARN TO MEDITATE? It’s a game changer. Meet our teacher Gary Gorrow at our next Mind Body Reset event hosted by Gorrow, Yasmin Sewell, and us. www.themindbod­yreset.com . . . MAKE VEGETABLES YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND? Think of them as the main event as opposed to a side dish or afterthoug­ht. It’s as simple as making ‘pasta’ from courgettes or cucumber ‘noodle’ salads. The Hemsley + Hemsley spiraliser turns vegetables into long, spaghettil­ike spirals in minutes. Available at www.hemsleyand­hemsley.com

 ??  ?? Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley
Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley
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