Harper’s Bazaar (Malaysia)

David Loong, 2014



The Heavenly Star of 6 this year means things fall into place without you having to do all that much. Guided by the cosmos, listen to what the universe is telling you. Pay attention to the signs and allow your intuition to have a say. There is no need to be overly logical in the way you lead your life, because things may well not make any logical sense. Promising stars in your chart include a Big Auspicious star, which you share with the Rat. This could also mean that friends of the Rat sign may be the key to big success. LUCK ENHANCERS: Activate your animal sign sector of Northeast with a Tiger and Ox crystal globe. Crystals enhance intrinsic Earth energy and bring lots of friends; they also strengthen lucky indication­s brought by the Heaven Star. Wear diamonds; these are fabulous Earth enhancers. AFFLICTION­S: You are at conflict with the Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter, who resides in the sector of your astrologic­al nemesis the Sheep. Avoid facing southwest when at your desk, dining, or having an important conversati­on. Carry a Tai Sui amulet, and place a Pi Yao or the Tai Sui plaque in the southwest to appease him. SECRET WEAPON: Your resilience and hardworkin­g ethic keeps you above the fray. Don’t let temporary setbacks floor you. Avoid getting into unnecessar­y arguments. Don’t be averse to losing small battles to win the war. LOVE: Romance blossoms unexpected­ly for the Ox this year. Those of you who are single could find love even if you are not looking for it. Illustrate­d by Jun Kit.


With the heavens guiding you this year, all will end well. The Heaven Star features prominentl­y, bringing support from mentors. Have faith you can deliver, and don’t let your temper get the better of you, or you could give strength to the Yearly Conflict star. Stay calm, and pounce when the time is right. LUCK ENHANCERS: The Tiger and Ox Crystal Globe brings out all that is lucky in your home sector of Northeast. You benefit from Wood energy, and wearing the colour green (especially stones) activates wealth. AFFLICTION­S: Combat the Yearly Conflict star that brings disagreeme­nts into your orbit by carrying the Anti-Anger amulet. SECRET WEAPON: Your drive and determinat­ion. Keep your eye on the prize. LOVE: You are socially popular and appealing in 2015. Illustrate­d by David Loong, an artist whose freestyle manner in expressing emotion through art is captured in every stroke of paint.

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