New Straits Times

Palestinia­n husband and wife graduate from USIM


NILAI: A husband and wife from Palestine will be among 2,517 graduates from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) who will receive their parchments at the university’s 14th convocatio­n here today.

Ahmed R.M. Raddad, 33, and his wife, Ayat Z.M. Raddad, 28, who are scheduled to receive their Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) scrolls at the convocatio­n will not be able to attend the ceremony as they have been banned from leaving the country by Israeli authoritie­s.

USIM Vice-Chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Musa Ahmad said the couple was among USIM’s excellent achievers, with each of them receiving the Chancellor Award (Graduate) and the Faculty Award (Research).

He said although Ahmed and Ayat would not be able to attend the ceremony, their PhD qualificat­ions in Syariah and Justice studies from USIM would still be recognised.

Negri Sembilan Tunku Ampuan Besar Tuanku Aishah Rohani Almarhum Tengku Besar Mahmud, who is also USIM chancellor, will grace the first convocatio­n session this weekend. It will be held for three days.

Musa said five convocatio­n sessions would be held at the main campus in Bandar Baru Nilai.

“From the list of graduates, 73 are PhD recipients, 132 Masters degree recipients, 23 post-graduate diploma recipients and 2,289 Bachelor’s degree recipients,” he said here yesterday.

During the opening session, Tuanku Aishah will present the Honorary Degree in Da’wah and Islamic Management to Datuk Dr Mohamed Asin Datuk Prof Dr Musa Ahmad Dollah.

He was part of USIM’s senior management team during the early days of the university and retired last year.

The professor emerita award will be presented to Professor Puan Sri Datuk Dr Mizan Adiliah Ahmad Ibrahim, who is a lecturer at USIM’s Faculty of Leadership and Management.

Tengku Besar Seri Menanti Tunku Ali Redhauddin Ibni Tuanku Muhriz, who is USIM pro-chancellor, will present the Honorary Doctorate in Islamic Philosophy and Law to Datuk Faiza Tamby Chik.

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