New Straits Times


Mnuchin likely to reiterate need to level playing field for American firms, workers



UNITED States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will urge Group of 20 (G-20) partners at a meeting this week to follow through on their commitment to refrain from competitiv­e currency devaluatio­ns, said a senior Treasury official.

World finance chiefs will be keenly watching Mnuchin during his internatio­nal debut at the G-20 gathering to see if he’ll shift gears on President Donald Trump’s campaign threats to get tough on trade cheats and currency manipulato­rs.

The spotlight will be on Mnuchin’s messaging about the US reaction to currency devaluatio­n to gain an edge in trade.

Mnuchin will stress the importance of implementi­ng the existing G-20 currency pact and reiterate the need to level the playing field for American companies and workers, said a senior Treasury official, here, on Monday.

The pledge to refrain from using monetary policy to cheapen currencies — a mainstay of G-20 statements in recent years — takes on new relevance amid US claims against China, Germany and others.

So far in his presidency, Trump hasn’t followed through on a campaign promise to label China a currency manipulato­r immediatel­y after taking office.

Mnuchin has said he will use a regular Treasury review scheduled for next month to examine foreign currency practices.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned Trump that a proposed tax overhaul could spark retaliator­y measures, including higher tariffs for American companies, according to Der Spiegel magazine.

She postponed until Friday a trip to Washington to meet Trump because of a winter storm expected yesterday.

Mnuchin is scheduled to meet German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble in Berlin before heading to the G-20 meeting of finance ministers and central bankers from March 17-18 in Baden-Baden, Germany. Bloomberg

 ?? REUTERS PIC ?? Unites States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin has said he will use a regular Treasury review scheduled for next month to examine foreign currency practices.
REUTERS PIC Unites States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin has said he will use a regular Treasury review scheduled for next month to examine foreign currency practices.

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