New Straits Times



PETALING JAYA: Fusionex, a software solutions provider specialisi­ng in big data analytics (BDA) and Internet of Things, is targeting double-digit sales growth this year from the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector, driven by its enhanced BDA platform, “Fusionex Giant 2017”.

Fusionex managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Ivan Teh said the platform would enable the SMEs to increase revenue and save costs.

The platform boasts a new search-driven analytics capability that allows users to gain insights into their data.

“Subscripti­on starts from as low as RM100 per month for this platform. We aim to hit doubledigi­t growth,” said Teh after the launch, here, yesterday.

Following a soft launch late last year, 10 companies were invited to take part in the pilot run of Fusionex Giant 2017. Eight of 10 have signed up for the platform.

“With artificial intelligen­ce capabiliti­es, enterprise­s will be able to reach out to their customers with more comprehens­ive insights that can be easily retrieved in a short period of time.

“Time is of the essence in the data-driven consumer world. When trends and customer demands change rapidly, businesses need their data analysed faster and easier, and Fusionex is able to provide these capabiliti­es,” added Teh.

Fusionex is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Teh said the company might go private if it managed to secure 75 per cent of its shareholde­rs’ votes for a de-listing from the LSE at its extraordin­ary general meeting on June 15. Bernama

 ?? PIC BY SYARAFIQ ABD SAMAD ?? Fusionex managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Ivan Teh (centre) with company officials at the launch of Fusionex Giant 2017 in Petaling Jaya yesterday.
PIC BY SYARAFIQ ABD SAMAD Fusionex managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Seri Ivan Teh (centre) with company officials at the launch of Fusionex Giant 2017 in Petaling Jaya yesterday.

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