New Straits Times


Despite grand welcome, he makes clear that he wants China to rein in Pyongyang



Washington had made no secret of its frustratio­n at China’s massive trade surplus with the US, but at a signing ceremony for over US$250 billion (RM1 trillion) in US-Chinese business deals — including US$37 billion worth of planes from Boeing — Trump said he did not blame Beijing.

“After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the sake of its citizens?”

On Trump’s first state visit to China, a military band played the US and Chinese anthems, ceremonial cannon fire erupted, and the two leaders reviewed a military honour guard just across from Tiananmen Square.

Children waved US and Chinese flags at the two leaders, a day after Xi treated Trump to a tour of the Forbidden City, capped by an opera performanc­e Chinese students wave US and Chinese flags as they send off US First Lady Melania Trump and Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan after their visit to a primary school in Beijing yesterday.

and a private dinner.

Evidently pleased with the first day of his visit, Trump circumvent­ed China’s Internet censorship system to post a message to Xi on Twitter.

“THANK YOU for the beautiful welcome China! @FLOTUS Melania and I will never forget it!” .

When asked whether China considered Trump’s use of Twitter to be in breach of Chinese law, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying said there were many means of communicat­ion with “the outside world”.

Trump tweeted again yesterday, posting an ABC News video montage of the “incredible” welcome parade at the Great Hall of the People.

In his tweet, Trump embedded a link to a photograph of his Beijing visit on Instagram — also forbidden in China. Agencies

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