New Straits Times


Committee also calls on Myanmar to give citizenshi­p to Rohingyas



UNITED Nations (UN) member-states on Thursday urged Myanmar authoritie­s to end a military campaign against the Muslim Rohingya in a resolution adopted despite opposition from China and Russia.

The General Assembly’s human rights committee overwhelmi­ngly endorsed the measure presented by Muslim countries by a vote of 135 to 10, with 26 countries abstaining.

UN member-states said they were “highly alarmed” by the violence and “further alarmed by the disproport­ionate use of force by the Myanmar forces” against the Rohingya.

The resolution drafted by the Organisati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n called on the government to allow access for aid workers, ensure the return of all refugees and grant full citizenshi­p rights to the Rohingya.

It requested that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appoint a special envoy to Myanmar.

Aside from Russia and China, Cambodia, the Philippine­s, Laos and Vietnam voted against the measure as did Syria, Zimbabwe and Belarus, along with Myanmar.

The non-binding measure now goes to the full assembly for debate next month.

More than 600,000 Muslim Rohingya have fled the mainly Buddhist country since the military operation was launched in Rakhine in late August.

Myanmar authoritie­s insist the campaign was aimed at rooting out Rohingya militants, who attacked police posts on Aug 25 but the UN said the violence amounted to ethnic cleansing.

Addressing the committee, Saudi Ambassador Abdallah al-Mouallimi said the resolution backed a solution that recognises the “legitimate rights of Muslim citizens” in Myanmar.

Myanmar ambassador Hau Do Suan said his government was “making efforts to ease the situation” in Rakhine State. AFP

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