New Straits Times



KUALA LUMPUR: Worn-out road markings have led to difficult drives along Jalan Segambut and Jalan Segambut Utara.

Ali, who uses the roads here, said the situation was dangerous and caused confusion, especially for motorcycli­sts who often swerved into the wrong lane.

“The road markings have completely worn out and are not visible at all.

“I have witnessed a few near misses as road users were unsure which lane to be on.

“It is especially difficult for drivers unfamiliar with the area.

“This situation should be rectified immediatel­y,” Ali said.


Following Ali’s complaint, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has deployed its officers and workers to repaint the faded road markings.

“We want to thank the complainan­t for highlighti­ng the problem.

“Our workers have been deployed to repaint the markings in Jalan Segambut and Jalan Segambut Utara, as well as Jalan Segambut Pusat and Jalan Segambut Tengah,” a council spokesman said.

He added that the public could contact City Hall call centre at 1800-88-3255 or submit a complaint at its website,

“Such issues should be reported immediatel­y to prevent any untoward incident.”

 ??  ?? Motorists are irked over the missing road markings at the junction of Jalan Segambut and Jalan Segambut Utara in Kuala Lumpur. PIC COURTESY OF READER
Motorists are irked over the missing road markings at the junction of Jalan Segambut and Jalan Segambut Utara in Kuala Lumpur. PIC COURTESY OF READER

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