New Straits Times

THE government is formulatin­g a mechanism to avoid a steep fall in the price of ‘Musang King’ durian to counter the possible dumping of the fruits. Agricultur­e and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek told the Dewan Rakyat recently


The prices of Musang King durians are expensive these days. I feel the ministry should let the market decide on the pricing and not try to “artificial­ly alter” the prices by controllin­g them. In the end, it will disrupt the market. Even if the prices drop due to dumping, we should welcome it. After all, RM90 per kg for Musang King is too expensive.


We must not encourage dumping, especially food, for the sake of controllin­g prices. Dumping is the coward’s way to cut losses. Planters should understand the risks when they venture into the durian business. There will be good and bad days. Dumping is just unfair competitio­n.


I applaud the ministry’s move because I believe that some form of control is necessary to protect the market during the bad times. However, I don’t believe in over-protecting the market, where one will end up depending on the government to survive. Control is useful, but only during volatile times. Just like what the United States did to help its automotive industry during the Obama administra­tion.


I love durians. Sometimes I wish that times would be much simpler and we Malaysians can just enjoy the King of Fruits at reasonable prices. Now that China is in the picture, demand will skyrocket, and so will the prices. I hope there won’t be a time when durians are reserved only for the elite, too expensive and out of reach for ordinary Malaysians.


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