New Straits Times


Enough safeguards in Malaysia Agreement, and reflected in the constituti­on, that it is difficult, to near impossible, to remove state rights

- The writer views developmen­ts in the nation, the region and the wider world from his vantage point in Kuching, Sarawak

IF there is one thing that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak says which resonates almost across the board — likely even among his detractors — in Sarawak and Sabah, it is his taking to comparing himself to his predecesso­r bar one, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, on matters related to state rights under the Malaysia Agreement of 1963 (MA63).

Speaking before the triennial delegates’ conference of the Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) in Kuching over the last weekend, Najib said that unlike the “93-year-old man”, he has not put anyone under the Internal Security Act (ISA) detention simply for raising the matter.

“(SUPP president) Datuk Dr Sim (Kui Hian) had raised MA63, but I did not put him in ISA. In fact, there is no ISA,” pointed out the prime minister.

The prime minister reiterated: “We are willing to return what are yours under MA63 because I believe that to be a stronger Malaysia, you must recognise the rights of the people in Sarawak.”

Such a stance is, of course, almost diametrica­lly opposed to the centralisi­ng impulses of the ad- ministrati­on under Dr Mahathir.

To be sure, whether Putrajaya has actually and consciousl­y “taken away” any state rights over the years is itself a contentiou­s assertion. Enough safeguards have been written into the MA63 and reflected in the Malaysian Constituti­on such that it would have been difficult, to near impossible, to remove those rights, certainly not without the expressed consent of either or both states through their elected representa­tives in Parliament and the respective state assemblies.

It is, however, certainly fair to suggest that the centralisi­ng impulses of the Federal Government before had resulted in the erosion of control in administra­tive matters over a host of issues from state to federal hands. The power of the federal purse was one particular­ly effective instrument, of course, to bring about state acquiescen­ce, especially when the state concerned had not been judicious in the handling of revenues that went directly into state coffers from resources under exclusive state domain, such as land and forests.

Even on matters not directly related to state rights, Dr Ma- hathir had made clear of his derisive attitude when, on the matter of the rationalis­ation of commercial banks under his watch, for example, he dismissed the existence of some banks which carried either the names of states or were under state ownership as little more than expression­s of parochial pride.

The cumulative result of all this must have contribute­d to the popular backlash now being experience­d in Sarawak and Sabah over a widespread perception that state rights have been deliberate­ly eroded by the Federal Government.

A federalise­d political set-up may not be the most efficient one ever devised, but we are a federation for some other, perhaps equally valid, reasons. Among others, a federation enables Sarawak and Sabah with their historical, cultural and even geographic­al identities distinct from the rest of the country to retain such separate identities while remaining part and parcel of a larger nation.

Dialogue as accepted by the Najib administra­tion to discuss the whole matter is thus crucial so that grey areas, misunderst­andings, any real erosion of state rights and perhaps even bad blood as a result of neglect or worse in the past may be thrashed out and hopefully resolved to the satisfacti­on of all concerned parties.

In fact, more than dialogue has already started, with a federalsta­te ministeria­l committee in place to work on the devolution of some administra­tive matters to the states. The process is continuing apace and must be allowed to proceed unhindered.

But, perhaps, the appetite at the state level has been quite naturally whetted by this ongoing process to move to a higher plane involving a greater sharing of public revenues. This will be a vastly more complex exercise and much goodwill must exist on all sides for this to bear fruit.

Much opposition noise on this subject matter is clearly unhelpful and even confusing. It is obviously aimed to score political points or the opposition might have long ago legally challenged some federal laws or constituti­onal points deemed by it to be in contravent­ion of state rights.

The risks, of course, are that the opposition will succeed to whip up state sentiments and passions to such an extent that federal-state goodwill dissipates, to the detriment of all concerned.

Thus, while the open-ness promised by the prime minister on bringing up the matter for public discussion is welcome, the onus still rests on all to debate with truthfulne­ss.

...a federation enables Sarawak and Sabah with their historical, cultural and even geographic­al identities distinct from the rest of the country to retain such separate identities while remaining part and parcel of a larger nation.

 ?? FILE PIC ?? Without the expressed consent of Sabah or Sarawak through their elected representa­tives in Parliament and the state assemblies, it will be difficult to remove their rights.
FILE PIC Without the expressed consent of Sabah or Sarawak through their elected representa­tives in Parliament and the state assemblies, it will be difficult to remove their rights.
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