New Straits Times

Najib unveils revamped blog


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has unveiled a revamped version of his blog,, making it even easier for Malaysians to access accurate informatio­n on the government and its achievemen­ts.

In his latest post on the blog, Najib said the overhaul made his website even more interestin­g, informativ­e and user-friendly.

He said besides allowing him to stay connected with the people, the improved blog would be a platform for him to share his opinions and activities with them.

“The ‘Pencapaian’

(Achievemen­t) section lists the government’s achievemen­ts. These include the promises the government fulfilled, such as in housing, public transporta­tion and cost of living.”

In the “Rakyat Didahuluka­n” (People First) section, the public can learn more about the national transforma­tion journey that has improved Malaysians’ quality of life. It also has a list of global re c ognition b estowe d on the country since 2009, the year Najib became prime minister.

The revamped blog features testimonia­ls from Malaysians who have benefited from the government’s efforts and initiative­s to help the people.

To know more about the country’s diplomatic ties, visitors can browse the “Internatio­nal Relations” section.

The “Global” section details how Malaysia has benefited from cordial relations with other countries, notably in economic growth, regional developmen­t and security.

“InsyaAllah (God willing), I will continue to share my views with all of you through my articles,” said Najib.

“You can read my previous articles in the (‘Archive’ section).”

 ??  ?? Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s revamped blog is informativ­e and user-friendly.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s revamped blog is informativ­e and user-friendly.

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